Thursday, August 31, 2017

One more for the Road

Last ride to Woodruff for the year

Nothing says LOTOJA prep like long rides with lots of climbing.  There are few, if any rides as suitable for LOTOJA training as Woodruff.  Doing this four times in the last four weeks is quite an adventure.  At roughly 120 miles each time, the miles stack up fast - and these are generally quality miles.  This late in the year it is easy to over do it.  A balancing act from here on in.

My times to key points yesterday weren't bad, just not the best.  Overall, I felt pretty good all the way over and back.  Feeding in the right places and the right times, with correct hydration paid off.  Most importantly, the conditions were pretty good.  A little rain, but generally cloud cover all the way.  I really couldn't ask for more.

Coming back over, just off Little Monte (between MPs 42 & 43), I ran across a motorcycle and rider piled up on the side of the road.  This was in a spot where I was doing more than 40 in the straightaway.  He was pretty banged up, but not nearly as bad as you'd expect for such an event.  By the time I got back on the road, it had been about 90 minutes.  Getting back on the bike, I was completely cooled-off, but not stiff at all.  Within the first couple hundred feet, I was easily back to 40+.  With the little rest, I was able to push it hard all the way into Huntsville.  As good as I was feeling I decided to stretch the ride to 130+ miles.  Somewhere along the way I picked up something and flatted - AGAIN!  In the end, I had to call for a bailout, when I had a ton of energy to burn.  All good.

Donations are coming along and I think we'll make it - I hope.  The next few days are also critical for maintenance.  From this point, a 50 - 60 mile sprint ride, maybe Saturday morning.  A 32 mile tempo ride early next week.  A 15 mile sprint pace and then packet pick-up.  A delicate balance at this point.

Start time is 7:03, Men's Cat 5, 45+ B.  A pretty late start, which means I'll have to swim upstream to catch good groups.  The big issue will be getting over the first two climbs in good shape.  If I can get on a good group going to Salt River Pass, I just have to keep it together up KoM (King of the Mountain) and I should be in a position to do............better.

Need a little confidence and no more flats.

Stay tuned.............

Ride hard!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Less than two weeks to go..............

Morning Climbs & Quality Miles

Not all miles are equal. Flat miles and rollers can only buy so much, but the same can be said for climbing miles.  As often as I ride alone (virtually all the time), climbing is a little harder to cheat versus the other stuff.  By cheat, I mean simply fooling yourself that you are better than you really are.  Considering this morning's ride was nearly 60 miles and that 28% of that was climbing, you can bank it being a pretty good workout.

Early mornings aren't as early as they were just a few weeks ago, and they are also getting a little cooler.  Heading for Snowbasin, via Trappers Loop, I decided to use arm-warmers.  The climb up from the north side was the best time of this season, and not far off my personal record.  Still conditions have a lot to do with those things - take it for what its worth.  The loop around the Basin was also pretty fast - about what I should expect this time of year.  Down to Mountain Green and immediately back on the road to get over the mountain, that climb was also pretty good - all in some pretty hard gears.  On the way home, I ran across a guy that got a little "frisky".  After Saturday, I was in no mood and simply applied a little hurt and left him well behind.  After a good 12-15 minutes pushing it hard, I was pretty satisfied.  That kept me on a pretty good pace to the last 3 miles of grade.  I should have pushed that bit a little harder, but it still wasn't bad.  Overall, not too bad.

Still a few issues in the right shoulder, but getting better.  The key now is to stay healthy.  I need to also do a little work on the bike before I take it out again.

Still too early to fall into maintenance mode, but I also need to be careful.

Less than two weeks.

Ride Hard!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Cache Valley Century

Frustration abounds.............

The Cache Valley Century is normally a ride I kind of like.  It's a charity ride, put on by Common Grounds Outdoor, to support those with disabilities enjoying the out of doors.  A worthy cause - I believe.  The reason I like this ride is to work with groups and dial-in some important skills needed to be successful at LOTOJA.  I would guess that maybe 50% of these riders are LOTOJA folks themselves, and thus you get a pretty good refresher in "catch and hang on".  The drawback is there are a lot of "less" skilled riders that can also cause a crash.  Normally, you can get out front of the scary riders in the first 20 miles.  After that, you find a group that fits your speed and tempo and the rest is academic - normally.

This morning started pretty much as planned.  In the first 5 -6 miles, I had a good group on my back wheel that was willing to work together.  Having been out in front long enough, I rolled out to the left to let the pellaton roll by, at which point I jumped on near the back.  The "train" wasn't as well developed as I had hoped, with one guy in particular riding back and forth, left to right, coming close to wheels and pedals.  I thought he would certainly take somebody down.  As he drifted up to the front, he took his turn "pulling", with the rest of us in a single file line.  The rest of the "train" depends on the guys upfront to give hand signals of approaching hazards - like BIG potholes.  Suffice it to say, that idiot led us right through a pothole that could swallow a Buick.  Both me and the guy directly behind me nailed it full blast!  Luckily we didn't go down, but I knew it likely pinched my inner tubes.  Sure enough, out between Dayton and Weston, my rear tire went flat first.  This meant I lost my little group.  After making a quick repair, I pedaled my guts out to catch one of the several groups that flew past while I was on the side of the road.  I figured worst case would be catching a group at the Cornish feed zone.

Just past Cornish I managed to hookup with a guy that kept a pretty good pace.  We took turns out front for several miles until we caught a larger group.  Knowing my rear tire wasn't to full pressure, I figured I'd be working harder, but also figured I'd find a floor pump at the Clarkston feed zone.  For some reason, I was having a harder time staying up with the group.  Behold - another flat tire, but this time on the front.  Again, on the side of the road with my last tube.  Another quick repair and I was trying to catch a group before Clarkston.  It seemed I was having to work harder than usual to catch groups.  Getting into Clarkston, they didn't have a pump, nor did they have hardly any water, but they had a long line to get what water there was.  Okay.........onto Mendon.  Keep in mind, I didn't plan to make any stops prior to Mendon.  So much for plans.

All the way to Mendon I was pushing a headwind, and couldn't seem to get comfortable behind the one or two riders I came across.  I stayed with one group for a few miles, but even that seemed harder than usual.  At Mendon, they did have a pump!  Sure enough, my tires where somewhere around 50% of normal pressure.  No wonder I was working so hard.  I quickly got water and back on the road, with something like 30 miles to go.  Not enough to make up what I had lost in the first 70 miles, but try anyway.

I made pretty good time getting back to Benson Marina, but was strictly on my own.  They guys I caught were way too slow, so I just kept going.  About 3 miles out of Amalga a quick group came along, which made for a good opportunity.  They turned into Sugar Park (Amalga), so I thought I'd stop with them.  Only twelve miles to go, I picked up a little water and shot some pickle juice.  I didn't wait long and was back on the road.  Maybe 4 miles out of Amalga, that same group caught me again.  I stayed with them until we got on the highway headed back to Richmond (the finish).  Something about that group made me nervous, so I let them go and waited for the next group.  Unfortunately, nobody else caught me and the people I caught were simply too slow.  So I finished at my own pace - almost 30 minutes off my target.

In the end, I did have to make a sprint to beat the light at highway 91, so I know I had plenty of "gas" left.  I also stayed in my big ring all day - including the last heart-breaker on the west side of Richmond.  I still had a lot I could apply, but being kind of defeated, I kind of mailed in the last 5 miles.

Not a great day, but good enough for an assessment.  Two weeks to go and I know what needs to happen between now and then.  The bike is also having a few issues, but that can be fixed - I hope.  I on the other hand, have been beat up a little.  This week was barely 220 miles, but they were good miles.  I need to put in two hard rides next week, while trying to heal up.  Getting to the holiday weekend, I'll need to move to a maintenance mode.  And then..........the big day.

This variation of an original post in July seemed oddly appropriate today.

Ride Hard!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Back to Woodruff - An amazing day.

In past years I typically start "stacking" miles the last few weeks.  Doing several 50-60 mile rides during the week can add up pretty fast, but three hour rides only burn calories.  I need to develop some stamina and endurance.  Monday was supposed to be a 60 mile early morning ride, but some problems in my right shoulder area turned that into a couple intense sessions on the indoor spin bike.  It actually is a better burn, but doesn't contribute to miles.  Today had been planned several weeks ago as the third Woodruff ride.  Having scrapped Monday, I didn't have a choice - pain, or not.

Before heading out to Monte, I always review the hourly weather forecast for surrounding areas, as well as a thorough look at a Doppler chart.  It was looking pretty sketchy, but not enough to call it off today.  The same thing a month ago would have resulted in a different ride, but right now we can't afford the changes.  Looked like rain early on, with rain on the back side by about 2 o'clock.

On the road by 07:00, I could see wet roads off and on all the way over to South Fork Canyon.  The wind was pretty stiff going up South Fork, for at least 15 miles.  Key times at MP37 and the camp ground were both 10 minutes off pace, but expected.  Winds going down the back side all the way to Woodruff cut my time even more.  All the way in I could see it storming in  front of me, but never got hit, just saw wet roads for most of the last 15 miles into Woodruff.

Back on the road, conditions were great.  I was watching storms ahead of me, going up the back side of Monte.  Amazingly I only had a brief sprinkle, blown in from a storm at least twenty miles away.  All the way to the top I had cloud cover and maybe even a tail wind.  I stayed in my big ring to the snow gate between MPs 56 & 55 and back in it at MP49.  Not once did I have to go into the bail-out gear today.  A minor victory - anyway.  The only direct sunshine I saw on the way back was for about two miles up around the camp ground.  Funny thing was that is also when I got the only rain showers.  Not a cloud directly over my, and the rain was falling straight down from an empty hole in the sky.  As soon as the sun was swallowed by a cloud, it stopped.  They call it "Angle Tears" as it appears not to fall from clouds.  Pretty cool, both literally and figuratively. 

Early in the day I was only able to hit 38 MPH on any of the down hill due to wind.  On the way back I was constantly in the mid 40's MPH.  I didn't have any head wind until four miles from Huntsville, and that was pretty tame compared to last week.  My climb back from Woodruff was more than 50 minutes faster than last week and the overall into Huntsville faster yet.  Over all, not too bad.

I stopped at Huntsville park to get a little water and made the mistake of laying on the grass.Spending a little too much time there literally made me sick when I stood up.  I had planned to drop my bike at the shop on the way home, but I wasn't sure I could make it work.  In the end, I was able to make it after all.

The bike is needing some attention, as it was making a lot of strange noise coming home.  A little attention at the shop will make it happy again.  Me, on the other hand, have a real problem with knots on my right shoulder area.  I've got an appointment with the "shop" for a deep tissue session on Friday.  Talk about hurt, it makes my eyes water when they work the knots outs, but by the next day, it's better than new.  Hopefully both the bike and I will be ready for the Cache Valley ride, Saturday morning.

Fund raising is starting to move a little.  Big thanks to the little Bro Jackson and his wife for the donation.  Another Big Thanks to my Bros at CR Lighting and Electric.  I owe you big time!

This is how we change the world.  On that note, Please follow the link: Clapton and Baby Face - Change The World

Ride Hard Bros and Sis'!  Were doing it...................

Thursday, August 17, 2017

A Tribute to a Friend


I started following the local newspaper obituaries several years ago, as I seemed to always miss deaths of friends parents.  I soon also noticed how many of my long past friends, or colleagues seemed to end up in the listings as well - depressing.  I've been loosing friends to death as far back as high school.  Some are stunning, others are........not as much.  But when you lose somebody your own age, that you've known.........all of your life, it kind of gets your attention.  But then there are the ones that just don't reconcile in your mind.

Yesterday I had finished a job in Salt Lake and had sat down at my computer in the early afternoon.  Taking a break from other tasks, I did as I so often do and took a quick look in the local online paper.  It wasn't the name, although I know it well, it was the eyes that caught my attention.  I was completely floored when I saw Jill's picture.  It couldn't be, but the name was right there.  It hurt and I mean a lot.

Now you have to understand, this isn't what you may otherwise think it to be.  Jill and I have known each other most all of our lives.  We grew up only a couple blocks from each other.  Our parents new each other.  Some of my brothers/sisters knew brothers/sisters in that family.  Given all those things, we really didn't "run in the same circles".  Although being a year apart in age, we did have a band class together some forty years ago.  Not necessarily polar opposites, we still didn't have much in common.  Still we were friends, of which I could see her in a crowd without even trying.  I think it had to be her blue eyes - I don't know.

In the past four years I've lost several friends that I've known most of my life.  They have all had an effect, but nothing like this.  You see, Jill was one of "the good ones" - and I don't mean that in anything but the most sincere context.  She always stood by her values and they were always her values, not what somebody else may have told her.  She was always a constant in the universe, in that she never wavered in her convictions.  It was kind of like knowing true north.  It never changed.  To that end, she was everyone's friend.  I can honestly say, I had never heard her speak an unkind word of anyone else.

Not long after I graduated from high school, like so many others in my life, we went our separate ways.  Sure, there were occasion that you'd run across each other, but it was generally pretty routine at most, if anything at all.  It seems like when she got married, I would have been in a far different place - in pretty much every respect.  Still, I had fairly regular interactions with her dad and later came to know her older brother quite well.  Both of them are fine men that I to this day have the upmost respect and admiration.  The last time I saw Jill was when her father passed away nearly seven years ago.  Again, pretty straight to the point, not a lot of small talk, just - hey and that sort of thing.  Her obituary said she had been fighting cancer for three years, so I would have never seen that part.  It did also say that she fought cancer with tenacity and grace.  I knew that grace and is what I will always remember of her, as I never saw her in a weakened moment.  The person I knew forty years ago is exactly the person I shall always remember.

Forty years ago we were just kids.  Why that comes to mind, I really don't know.  We had the rest of our lives ahead of us and the thought of what may become of us, any of us, was just a dream.  To me, I thought then and still do to this day believe, Jill knew exactly what her course in life would be.  I just think none of us thought about things like cancer.  Truth is, some of my other friends from forty years ago have died, and although stunning, they didn't leave an overall empty feeling like this.  Forty years ago..............who'd thought.

So what does this have to do with riding?  After having a part of me die yesterday (when reading the obituary), I really needed some time away to process..............stuff.  So this morning, I turned my phone off and went to that corner of heaven known as Woodruff.  I think I needed to suffer a little today and boy did I ever.  The wind was rough all the way back.  When all was said and done, I had the emotion worked out and was able to think.  It still doesn't make sense, but then again its not like we've kept in touch over the years.  I know very little about her life for the past few decades, but what I do know is I feel an emptiness that I wouldn't have imagined.  But then again, I didn't expect to see those blue eyes yesterday in that particular place.  Today I rode to remember.  And what I do remember breaks my heart knowing what others are certainly feeling.

This song was literally in my head all day.  Please click on this link:  Christine McVie - Song Bird

This one can stay for a while...................stupid bike anyway.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Taking a break

An easy Night on the MTB

Kind of wanted to do some sprint intervals tonight, but after a less than ideal day, it seemed like a good idea to take it easy.  Dragging out the old reliable X2 (mountain bike) and up to a familiar trail.  I was in no hurry as I just needed a little time away, and this place is pretty good for that - most nights.

North Fork has a few folks hanging around, but for the most part, it's pretty quiet.  Off the service road and into the single track, I immediately ran into a couple horses.  Fortunately it was still down in the lower areas.  As I was getting up through the south face switch backs, I could hear some voice out ahead of me.  By the time I got to the top junction, I figured I was closing in on somebody - a good time to cut back around to the overlook and bench areas.  Amazingly, I could see the waterfall still running pretty hard.
The trail back to the trail-end is starting to grow-over a tad, but still easy to power through.  A good night for a long sleeve tech-tee.
This place doesn't see much traffic.  It's convenient when you need a little peace and quiet.  Being a little later than I'd planned, it was time to head down before it got dark.

The descent off this mountain is fun, but can be a little technical - enough so to keep a good eye on obstacles and maintain balance.  About a mile off the top I ran into a neighbor family, all on horseback - good folks!.  They were still working their way up, so I'm sure they'd be coming down in the dark. By the time I caught the cut-off trail, I could hear the voices again, somewhere near the trail-head.  Just off the trail was a group of women riders just packing up from the ride down.  All together, this is the most people I've seen on this trail at one time in several years - if not ever.  I'm glad I let them get out ahead of me.  I hate being roped-in by other riders.

A pretty good break from the road, but I'll have to spin for a while, making up the difference before I go to bed.

I need miles............

Update: Spinning gave me a little perspective and change.

Ride Hard!

Monday, August 14, 2017


Putting things into order..............

Another early morning (kind of) ride.  Heading out with a cold tail wind, made it a fairly fast ride over to Trappers.  The first climb was acceptable, if not pretty good.  One guy was ahead of me a good half mile when I started from the bottom.  I reeled him in within the first mile, or so.  With that pace, I kept him off my wheel enough that I didn't see him when I turned at Snowbasin road.  The climb up to the basin was not nearly as fast, but still respectable.  Coming back from the basin, heading back to MP1, I was caught and rolled by a little 110 pound rocket.  I'm sure he saw me turn in from the basin as he was coming up from the old road, with the idea to put the hurt on me.  I wasn't biting, as I still had nearly 7 miles of climbing ahead of me.  If was only climbing out at MP1, I'd given it a shot, but.....

Dropping off into Mountain Green, that wind I had behind me 90 minutes earlier was behind me again.  Going down hill was faster than normal, of course, but the immediate climb back had a pretty stiff headwind.  Still, that climb wasn't too bad - just slower than I would have been otherwise.  The overall time was still okay, mainly because there was no heat.  The descent was a little sketchy with the headwind, that occasionally turned to a cross wind.  All the way home was like climbing with the headwind.  A few places where not as bad, but by the time I got on the last four mile climb, it was directly in my nose the entire way.  Pretty tired, I was determined and finished with a little pride intact.

This ride was to meet two objectives: 1) get the south side of trappers out of my head 2) develop a little mental endurance.  Believe it or not, mental endurance can quickly kill the physical endurance.  Both objectives where met head-on today.

I'll take it.

Ride Hard!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Spoke Benders

Hill Intervals......

The season is getting late and every little bit counts for something.  Something positive, or something less than positive, but it all counts.  It is easy to panic and over-cook (over train), causing damage that may cost the event itself.  And then there is work - the thing that has to be done regardless.  This often times means missing a planned ride, or getting home too late to do anything but ride the spin bike.  Whether it is work, or other commitments, there is always something with which to contend.

Trying to make the most of a late arrival home, I headed for a 1/2 mile stretch that averages just over 7%, with nearly 12% just before the end.  Simple math; one time up and back is 1 mile, but a grueling mile.  Doing this in harder gears, while managing top speeds to less then 23 MPH on the recovery means you can really work your guts out.  Of course, you can "take a powder" and milk it in a bail-out gear, but then what's the point?  After about an hour, I'll have climbed the equivalent of Trappers from Mountain Green.  By the time I'm done, it's nearly dark, but I escaped the baking sun which is a bonus.  A little follow-up time on the spin bike to run a constant fast cadence, and it's pretty good.

Fund raising appears to be in trouble.  maybe I should try something different........

Ride Hard!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Right Day for the Right Ride

A Gift

Monte Cristo by itself is always tough.  Add Woodruff to the mix and now you have a real ride.  The elevation shown above is to the west end of Woodruff.  The distance to the store is 64 miles, spot-on.  According to this, the climb up is 4,259 feet.  The descent is 3,510.  Considering I have to climb from the other way, you're looking at something like 7,800 feet climbing for the day  For the  record, the ride didn't take me 6 hours and 17 minutes (one way), but more like 4 hours 18 minutes - still slower than I'd like.

Today was ideal for making this ride a success.  At 06:30, the local temperature was only 52°, with the temperature in Woodruff 44°.  The forecast was a chance of afternoon thunder showers between the top of Monte and Woodruff, but I was planning on being over the top before then.  By the time I got to the Camp Ground near MP 48, I was convinced that these conditions were too good to pass-up going all the way over.  I've made this same ride before, only to turn back at the Camp Ground (the right edge of the flat spot shown at the peak elevation) due to thunderstorms, or simply too hot.  Today was a gift, and I was going to make the most of it.

An Oasis in the Mountains

Getting to Woodruff on a bike is no easy task.  Today was nice in that traffic was pretty low most of the way.  On any day, rolling into the Woodruff Store after a hard climb (and crazy fast descent), is without a doubt like finding an oasis in the mountains.  Today I was pleased to have spent time talking to a few of the locals, about almost anything.  There are places you might roll into only to find people.........less than happy you are riding through their town.  That is certainly not the case in Woodruff, in fact quite opposite.  They are perhaps the most friendly of all the places I have chance to visit - anywhere.  Their beautiful community is not large, nor opulent, but to me it is a corner of heaven. I love it.

Along with the most pleasant surroundings and people, I regularly seem to run into people from my past.  Last year I happened into a guy I knew in college.  Today I ran across a former fellow employee.  Maybe its just me, but I always enjoy this place.  Thanks for your hospitality and great support!

A hurt you simply can't live without

This ride is always tough.  It is long and requires some mental toughness to get through - at least for me.  Today was no different.  Getting to Woodruff was a pretty good push, but I felt okay once I got over the top.  The last few miles into town seemed to go on forever - only because I wanted the break. While I was enjoying my Snickers Bar and shot of caffeine and sugar (serious road biking energy), a little storm passed through.  When I got back on the road, I noticed some pretty dark clouds looking to pass between me and Monte.  As I rode on, there was an occasional "spritz" shower that was actually kind of nice.  About ten miles out of town I could hear thunder.  By this time I was too far to go back and need to get over the top quickly, but I was still a good twelve miles from the top and a helluva climb still to go.  As the rain got a little harder, I could see up on the mountain (where I was going) a pretty good down-pour.  As I would pass each little bush, I would consider it for a shelter, but continued to drive on.  Soon, the head winds were strong enough to hold be to about 4.5 miles an hour - ridiculous!  Knowing that I had the big open hill of about 2 + miles at 7%, without anything to duck under (and being the most likely target for lightning), I made the bad choice to pull off and duck out of the driving rain for a minute.. That was not only a waste, but a big mistake.  After about ten minutes I decided I needed to just get up the road as fast as I could.  Jumping back on the bike, I didn't wipe my tires off, from the debris I had been in, on the side of the road (idiot!).  A couple miles up the road and now well into the open area, I noticed my rear tire going flat (picked up something on the stop).  Maybe ten minutes and I was back on the road.  The problem with flats like this is you never get the air pressure where you need it.  Too much and you pop the tire, not enough and you have more rolling resistance and risk "pinch" flats.  Making sure to find and remove the puncture object, I got the pressure where I though it was safe, given the advantage of running 25mm wide tires.  The grind was on, but without most of the rain, just a terrible head-wind.  At MP 49, I was back into some high easy rollers. A quick stop at the Guard Station for a picture and time to get home.
From about MP 49, it's all in the big ring, even with the wind.  From just before MP 44, it's "bomb city".  Going across the near flat (okay, 3%) at Little Monte, though MP 43, I was down behind the bars at 45 MPH.  From there, it is a series of straights and turns, driving at times at 35 MPH around curves.  Down past the snowmobile parking area, it's like warp factor-nine.  All the while you just can't seem to get down fast enough.  By the time you're at Red Cliff (Cafe), doing 20 MPH feels like your are standing still.  By now, you are paying the price for burning everything earlier. With heavier traffic than I like in South Fork Canyon, I chose to divert at MP 22 around past the Monastery and down to Huntsville.  With 116 miles and more traffic than I like, I called for a bailout at Huntsville. A satisfactory ride in the books.

I love this ride.  It is hard - way hard!, but there is something about Monte that just takes me back.  Woodruff is great and I lament every time I turn away at the top, rather than going down.  Once you start, you are committed.  I've had some less than good experiences climbing back, but when I clear the top, I'm always glad I decided to go all the way to Woodruff.  By the time I get to Huntsville, I'm completely wasted.  This ride is perfect for a LOTOJA training ride.  Lots of climbing, steep grades and significant elevation.  It hurts - a lot, but I love it all the same.

Going up this morning, it was Eric and Dwayne in my mind.  Coming over the top, going back home it was Floyd. You decide.

Baby..... Ride Hard!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Dirt..............

Mountain Bike Time

An unpredictable work schedule has thrown a wrench into the great plan.  Improvisation, again, the order of the day (or week).

The old reliable X2; my mountain bike from about 18 years ago, still a great bike.  Perhaps a little dated, but some excellent components.  True, it's still a 26" (wheel), but for an all aluminum full suspension, it rides pretty good.  Lately the front shock seals have started to leak, but I don't have the time to re-build them.  They still work, just get dirty fast.  I've had that bike more places than most anybody else's bike will ever go.

Tonight I got home a little later than planned, so I waited for the sun to drop behind Willard peak, cooling things off a bit.  Right out of the garage, I zoom down to the middle gate at North Fork Park and took a good 15 minute warm-up ride to a nice single-track trail head.  Usually this late, there aren't many, if any other riders on the trail, so I can benchmark my progress and time.  Conditions were good for an assessment ride.

The trail starts pretty easy, with some minor, fairly short climbs.  Out of the first section and onto a hill to the first set of switchbacks, I default to my bailout gear, with pedals rolled-over (un-clipped). A couple of the turns are pretty sharp, along with a steep grade, the rocks can stop you dead in your tracks.  29er's (29" wheels) can make the rocks a little easier, but this is for training.  All the way up, there are short bursts of intense strain, with heart rates getting into the near 90% range.  Then you have nice little recoveries, spinning along easier grades before the next turn.  The last two switch backs have a couple key places that require a little skill to stay on the bike.  If you're tired, they'll toss you every time.  At the top of the last switchback, there's a little stretch of a constant grade before coming around the face.  There are still a few rocks that can toss you if not careful, but there are also three pretty good spots to get over before the top.  The first is a stretch of rocks on blind turn that you need to hit with some momentum.  Another blind turn and there is a bigger rock.  This takes timing and speed to get over.  Up to this point, I was on the bike all the way.  Tonight I hopped a little to the left side, with the front wheel clearing the rock, but the back wheel right in the wrong place. Trying to keep moving, I rode through the edge of the Gamble Oak, getting a pretty good beating.  The last little rise is much easier than the rock, but still pretty steep, enough that it again will stop the average person.  At the top with only the one interruption, I didn't feel too bad - other than a bunch of scratches down my left forearm.

The ride down is great, assuming you don't have a run-in with a moose.  Tonight was perfect.  Still light enough to see, chased a couple deer and an easy decent.  By the time I was back on the service road, I hadn't seen another person and only a few deer.  The ride was still short of a full hour at rate, so not a good endurance ride.  By the time I hang up the bike in the garage, it's only about an hour and 20 minutes.  It's a pretty good way to work the leg strength with the heart rate, but not much for endurance.  This means another 45 minutes on the spin bike, with some additional conditioning.  Still worth the time.

These are the kinds of rides that can quickly do damage, but the change is good.  I need more road miles and more endurance rides.

Ride Hard!