Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Any Suggestions?

What a mess!

With only a few days to go, things just seem to be getting more and more complicated.  Last night (early this morning), an epic wind storm blew through the area knocking out power.....everywhere.  This entire valley is out, as well as Ogden canyon and pretty much everywhere else you can point to on a local map.  Judging by the damage, I'd say we are looking at a couple days before we get power restored - which really complicates matters.  Add to this, the bike shop that has my Six-13 was supposed to have it ready this past Saturday.  Well, that certainly didn't happen, and now they are closed due to the power outage.  This really has me nervous and a tad bit ticked at the same time.

Proving a Point

With no road bike to ride, and lets face it, conditions too crappy to do it anyway, I did a hard sprint up the old reliable dirt trail.  Of course nobody else to be found anywhere in all of the park tonight.  As hard as I worked getting up there, I was sweating profusely and freezing at the same time.  The image above shows the snow that fell on Ben Lomond this morning.  I must say, the climb to the top met expectations all the way around.  The descent was darn cold - all the way home.  This is easily one of the best climbs on this trail I have ever had - like ever.  That only proves to me I'm not in a completely bad spot anyway.  I still may lack the road endurance, but I have plenty of leg strength and stamina.  This was very important for me personally tonight and I think it did prove the point.

Packet Pickup and Check-In

They have moved everything up, starting tomorrow.  The location has changed and there are several details that aren't important.  Just chalk it up to more things Covid.  Riding down to Centerville tomorrow to get our stuff and get started with the event.  I have also sorted through the kit and gear and have my stuff kind of thought out.   I have pair of DNA bibs with a Huntsman jersey that will be a big departure from all years past.  Not only have I never worn bibs, but this will also be the first year I haven't "flown" the company colors.  I've never been a fan of bibs, although more people use them than don't.  They've been known to complicate emergencies.......

I guess we'll see how this works.  You'll want to swing back on Friday and see what markings are on the kit this year.  You'll like it........

This internet connection through my phone is trying my patience, so lets cut it here.
Oh, before I forget - Please pass this along and lets get a few more donations before Friday.

Ride HARD!