Thursday, September 6, 2018

Checked in

A day to go

This afternoon was the check-in for everything down south (Kaysville).  It was already hitting home this morning as I was awake at 03:30.  Some minor calf cramps from last night's ride were easily remedied with some pickle juice.  A crappy afternoon at work kind of took my mind off everything until I got down to Bikers Edge, then it really set in.  This is for real, and ready or not, we start at 06:27 Saturday.

Weather forecast looks a tad warm, with temps possibly in the high forties at the start.  I'll decide when we get out of the truck whether or not to use arm warmers.  Last minute road condition updates indicate significant construction on the course.  The radios guys have passed some info back regarding chip seal in Riverdale, up to the summit.  I may want to air down to 110 PSI, rather than keep the tires at 120 max.  Still, the 25s will fair a bit better than the 23s.

I spent about two hours cleaning and lubing the bike tonight.  Running the DT Swiss wheelset, with the RXLs in the truck for a backup.  I need to take the bike into the shop in the morning for a chain check.  This chain should have less than 2,000 miles, but I better make sure it's good.  A smaller wedge bag under the seat with only one tube and two shots.  The shifters seem to index well, with a little light lube in the levers and shifters.  I think the bike is ready for another epic day.

Pretty nervous this go around.  Getting tense in the shoulders again.  A little better rest tonight, a nap later in the morning, and a little more protein and some lite carbs tomorrow night should set me up.  The feed bags will be a bit more simple this year than in the past.  Drinks...........still thinking that through.  I've got to avoid the bonk at all cost......well at most practical cost.  I know these guys will make an early jump, which means I need to be patient.  Going anaerobic early will cost me in the end.  In fact, I should avoid getting into transition at all, unless it is within the last 5 miles.  The question is then; how will I manage a respectable time if I don't occasionally pin it?  I've got to be patient and smart - something I'm generally not known for.

Eight years ago I was pretty nervous.  I was probably 15 pounds heavier and really couldn't stay in groups.  Riding up to Logan I heard an old favorite on the local station that kind of helped clear my mind.  That morning was anything but hot, As I wore a jacket, leg warmers, long finger gloves, and ear warmers.  Rolling through Preston just before 07:00 that day, it was 28°.  I had ice on my stache.  It was cool all day, but I finished -  just not fast.

Swing back tomorrow afternoon.  We're almost there..............

Rest up!