Saturday, May 4, 2024

Pushing Through Setacks


As if it weren't hard enough...

Between schedules and intermittent weather, one must learn to improvise while remaining diligent. Such has been the case thus far this season. Trying a new type of saddle on the hardtail, doing some hill interval training, I'm still not getting my heartrate up where I want it. Add to that some delayed onset heart-rhythm things and it just seems to keep getting harder every year. I'm still clear to ride, but am having to take blood-thinners for a couple weeks to setup for some more tests. This means I have to be cautious when riding - especially in the dirt. This has been more annoying than anything, but I still have to pay attention to what I'm doing. Truth is, there is a serious chance I may get pulled for part, if not all of the season. I'm having none of that garbage. We'll see what the next couple of weeks brings along.

Going with what has worked before

Intervals have always been a good "go-to" for me. This goes back many decades when I would run stairs by myself, to the point I would nearly puke. The 1/2-mile hill climb has always been a reliable leg builder. It also helps with form and some great anaerobic training - when I feel like pushing it harder. It takes immense concentration to really drive to the point of extreme physical exertion, but it can be done. I'll give it another shot later this week - when my schedule permits. What I would give to have a training partner sometimes.....

A lot of people have the idea that you just simply ride a bike and that constitutes some sort of training. Maybe it does, but I'll call it passive, if not coincidental training at best. All rides have to fill a specific purpose and objective. Recreational riding doesn't do it. There are times I'll be doing a fairly long ride and somebody else rolls up and wants to get "frisky". There is a fine line between "chasing the rabbit" and staying on task. Blowing-up can result in a setback and should always be a measured response. At the end of the day, there has to be tremendous sacrifice to train rather than just stacking rec-miles. That's how it is with every sport; you train a lot more than your event will ever require. At that, you can't expect to perform any better than during training. If you truly want to ride hard, you have to train harder yet.

Talking gets you nowhere

I was at a soccer game a week ago, watching a little kids team get pasted. After the game, I overheard the coach say "we have a lot to talk about next practice". It then became clear; this guy was a lecturer and not really a coach. Talking is only good for basic and immediate instruction. Our bodies need constant repetition of correct functions to learn how to do something. Call it muscle memory, or simple learned behavior - you can't talk your body into something it's not used to doing. Perhaps this is where culture and behavior come together? Sure you have to say it at some point, but if that is all you do is talk, be prepared to fail - at least not exactly succeed. 

Moving Along.......

This week appears to have some interesting aspects. Lets see if I can make it through without totally screwing-up again.

I'm not sure why, but this one seemed to be the pick for the week.......

Pulling for Reed - Ride HARD!