Tuesday, August 13, 2019


SR 39, west of MP 54, still have that mountain to climb 5 miles away.
If you've been following this blog for more than a year, you know what Woodruff means.  Roughly 6,500 feet of climbing for the day, with a fair amount of time above 7,000 altitude.  This is arguably the most effective training there is for Lotoja - anywhere.  It is also very risky, as you are long distances without cell coverage, between water sources and a lot of exposure.  Add to this the regular windy return and it can cause problems.

Today's ride started cold - as in 44 degrees cold.  I was told it was 37 in Woodruff this morning.  The ride over the front side wasn't too bad, but my toes were cold until about 10 miles from the top.  A head wind into town made it harder than it needed to be, but if I could make a quick turn around, I'd have a tail wind.  I did have a mild tail wind for about the first 5 miles out of town, heading back.  By the time I got to the canyon, it was straight into the nose.  Wind all the way over the top really got into my head.  Getting over the top to Little Monte seemed to take forever - I was gassed.  From about MP 44, I let the brakes fly wide open.  Even past Ant-Flat road, I let the bike fly - directly into the wind.  Normally I'd have issues managing the cross winds with my RXL wheelset, but today I ran with the DT Swiss.  Perfect for today's conditions.  At about Redcliff, the wind turned into a blast-furnace.  The rest of the way into Huntsville was a serious struggle.  By the time I got home, I realized I had been cooked by exposure - again.  At least this time I could make it back.  You'd think I'd learn my lesson.

I've gotta do that ride a handful of times yet, before the race.  I have my work cut out for me.

Woodruff is a great place.  The sign at the edge of town says something like "Coldest Places - Warmest Hearts".  That about sums it up.  The people there are truly great.  I love riding to Woodruff, if only for the quick turn around at the other end.  The people there have always been supportive and friendly.  I enjoy getting to talk with them, albeit for only a few minutes.  Still, it seems everyone that I encounter up there goes out of their way to make me feel welcome in their community.  I don't know that I can say that about anywhere else.  Make it a point to stop and visit this little town.  I ride my guts out to get there.......

I wish you could understand how it feels............  Never was much of a Tom Petty fan, but this one seems to fit.
Click Here - "You don't know how it feels"... to be me

Ride HARD!