Who is the "Porpoise"?

What's in a name?

Unless you know the "Porpoise", you wont know the "Porpoise".

That fact is, I'm not the Porpoise.  Oh no.  You see the Porpoise took me on as his Vallet.  He said, "I've never had a Vallet before.  Chances are I'll kill you in the morning".  He said this every day for three years, until he finally decided to retire.....................

Turns out, he wasn't the real Porpoise either.  He had inherited it from another guy five years before.  His real name was something like Ryan.  The real Porpoise had been retired for fifteen years...........or so the story goes.

Truth is, the "Porpoise" is everyone that supports the purpose itself.  It's far larger than any one person - as it needs to be.  This is a very big effort and it takes a lot of hands to help.

Follow this link for a better explanation. The real story.........

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I had an idea of what the 'porpoise' was but now I know the details.
    I shall live a much happier and contended life now knowing it!😄


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