Sunday, July 5, 2020

It's been a month...........

Finally, back on the road bike....

It really took a while, but I finally got the road bike back out.  I usually take an early morning ride on Independence Day, that is to say, when I don't have scheduled power outages to support.  Normally I get out around 6:00, so I can get past all the parades and community events. This year was very different.  Traffic got busy just after 08:00, so I resorted to catching the "pathway" part way back from Huntsville - that costs time and is a bit risky.  When I got back to the house, I felt almost sick from riding on an empty stomach and pushing a little harder.  Just about right.

Truth is, I was quite apprehensive about getting on the road bike again.  It's been one full month, and I just couldn't bring myself to get back on.  I've been riding the heck out of my mountain bike, and actually taking some time to enjoy all the local trails.  I don't drag my mountain bike behind a truck, I just ride straight out of the garage - and it is always good riding.  I know this area well and have been all around it most of my life. When I first moved into the area more than 33 years ago, I would ride my first mountain bike around the service roads with my yellow lab.  There were no single track trails, and people would look at my as if I were from another planet. Now there are new trails being developed regularly.  There is a constant stream of mountain bikes pouring in and out of the area.  I typically go out later in the evening when most people have already left.  Yesterday I went about mid day when it was a little warmer.  Still a spectacle; wearing the collared and long sleeve flannel shirt, old duck Carharts (and riding shorts underneath) with the old reliable wool socks.  Yep, I'm that guy.  But I'm also the guy that knows the area and the history better than most.  So when I got to the overlook yesterday, I too a little time to listen to all the bustling from the campgrounds. The fact that I (or anyone for that matter) can ride to these places is nothing to take for granted.  Sure, there are still horses and the occasional trail runner, or hiker.  Still, it is something to just take in when you can.  Lately, the escape and the chance to reflect has been good.

What's to come?

Pretty much every major race/ride has been scrubbed for the year.  Laramie cancelled a couple weeks ago, due to some State and local regulations.  It makes me wonder if LOTOJA will survive, as it only takes one municipality or State to close it down.  The Cache Grand Fondo (or Jane as we call it) is still planning on limited starts next Saturday. With the increase of Covid cases state wide, I suspect, they'll be pressured to fold as well.  There is also the inaugural Iron Lung Scheduled in a couple weeks out of Huntsville.  I suppose it is being looked at closely as well.  I suspect if either of them get the ax, everything including LOTOJA will be a write-off for the year.  Meanwhile, we have to prepare as though we are a go in September - for what its worth.

Still a job to do.............

It was good to be on the road again.

Ride HARD anyway!