Friday, December 4, 2020

The "Brown"

Riding in the Rocks

Technically challenged may be a nice way of describing how bad I am in the rocks.  But, that is what you have on the area of Shoreline that I prefer to ride. You really need to have a little confidence, check that - a ton of confidence to ride these areas. I often find myself getting stiff arms and less than "fluid" in motion.  A bad combination for riding in rocks.  This isn't like "pump-track", or bike park riding.  This is brutal in spots.  Basically I suck at this type riding, but I still do it.

If you didn't know better, one might think parts of this trail are in North Fork.  Nope!. Not even close.
Still it is dirt riding, just different.

You can never go back

This place has changed a lot over the years. There a lot of memories from up here. Some good, some not so good.  And frankly some are just bad. We used to spend a lot time chasing game birds up around this particular spot. When not hunting season, it was a convenient place to get away from society - for a while. From this setting above the waterfall in Ogden Canyon, you could see down into the canyon itself and over to the hot-pots. Quite a few rattle snakes kept you on the watch. Some rather crazy stuff was known to have occurred right here. The crooked steps and structure have been there as long as I can remember. A lot of the other stuff was cobbled-in later on. Knowing so much of what happened here kind of haunts me. I'm likely not alone. You go to a place that used to be a get away, only to be chilled by memories.  Maybe those days weren't so great after all. Those crooked stairs.

There is a lot to do and the clock is ticking. I'm wasting time already, but I have less than zero motivation. You want so much to go back, but those bridges went out a long time ago. There is truly no going back - only forward. What's it gonna take?

Looking to wrap up in the next coupled weeks, but hate to do it on a bummer. Enough of the whining - REALLY!  Lets toss these stupid masks and get on with it - whatever IT may be.

"If you only knew, you'd wish you were in my shoes....Do Do those things you do". The smoothest blued-eyed soul I've ever heard.

Ride HARD!