Pulling for Reed - Pulling for a Brother

The 2024 training/riding season is dedicated to our brother Reed.

To be a true stud, please contact anyone of the group, or other friends of Reed if needed,  to pass along this very simple message: "Pulling for Reed"

Pulling is a term used to describe when a rider gets in front of another rider, to provide a break by allowing him to draft in the leaders path. Teams do this to give an advantage to principle riders, setting them up for a key point in a race. Many races are won and lost by team-mates pulling and blocking for other members of the crew. Except for Greg Lamond, nobody has won a modern TDF without a team working for them up front.

If you can, take a picture holding something that says "Pulling for Reed" - text it to him (and nobody else). If nothing else, simply text him and let him know that you are pulling for him. Make sure he knows its from you.

Pass this along to literally everyone. He needs a team out front on this race....

This is personal.

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