Friday, September 11, 2020

Last minute details

 The Race is On - Tomorrow!

A last minute ride last night to check out the bike had a quick stop at Huntsville park.  Those shadows are sure getting long.  Feels a lot like autumn.  

Start time for my group is 06:00 - in the dark.  Groups being spaced out like they are will make for a different race dynamic. It may be harder to find groups along the way. The weather forecast looks agreeable for the most part.  It now is a matter of where the winds may shift, and at what time.  This never gets old, but I'm still as nervous as ever.  I've reviewed this ride over and over in my mind for many weeks.  There will be suffering and frustration.  It's gonna be a good day.

The Porpoise

As has become a tradition, I mark up my jersey as kind of a reminder of why I do this, as well as to honor those caught in the fight.  It is an inspiration to do this, if not a solid and sober reminder.  Donations have been a struggle this year, but I get it.  Still, the images above are about true struggle - much harder than anything I'll experience tomorrow. For some, there is no relief, where as I can choose to stop anytime.  A few weeks ago I was on my way back from Woodruff when I was thinking about this very thing.  It occurred to me that either of these two individuals have endured more than the little pain I was feeling that particular day.  From there, I thought I could focus a little harder and pull through.

I still have a lot to do before I get some sleep tonight, but I thought this important enough to stop and make this post.  I'll be leaving far too early tomorrow to risk making a post before I leave, so this is it before the race.  Just know, somebody is truly suffering and some of us have the capacity to render aid - in one form or another.  

Tune in a few days from now.  I'll try to make a post from Driggs Saturday night, but no guarantees.
Until then, here is my gift to all of you that stopped by for this post.  Thanks for being here......  Pass it along. 

"....Please turn me over."