Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Minor Change of Plans

Recovery Ride

Improvisation is key, but even more important is making the best choices.

With another early start, the old legs were feeling a little fatigue from yesterday's ride.  With another climb on the schedule, I reconsidered for a fast tempo, recovery ride.  Recovery doesn't mean rest, it simply means a break from what otherwise can hurt you.  I've read a million times the importance of a recovery, but not to confuse it with a rest.  So.........today I made an executive decision to change.

The over all tempo was pretty fast, with key indicators, again, looking pretty good.  A brief  stop out at the point for the above picture and it was otherwise all business.  I've made the mistake before; training more in hills, climbing slow, but not putting the speed into the flats and rollers.  Climbing is critical, but having the quick legs to catch groups and hang-on is essential to finishing Lotoja.  So today was pretty productive.

Tomorrow is a key metric.  Another early ride scheduled, but this one will be about 12 miles of hard climbing, around 60+ miles overall and four hours non-stop.  Gotta be on the road way early, or I'll be cooking the last climb, as well as all the way home.  The climbs are what they are, but I've got to finish with a positive attitude, or I could be setback.

Ride Hard!