Monday, May 21, 2018


More trail riding................

Usually, by now, I've been stacking 40+ mile road-rides.  Weather and other factors are not working in my favor.  So...........more dirt riding.  That said, the trails are pretty good and getting a pretty good workout, albeit kind of short.  What I miss on time, I try to make up on the spin bike with regular interval sessions.  That with some other conditioning sessions seem to be helping.  The key is that every minute has to count.  Using the Garmin keeps it honest.  What I lack in time can be made up in intensity.

The flipper feels better some days than others.  Finally able to stand and pedal, but can't really sprint - yet.

Took a look at some Youtube stuff from 2018 True Grit.  Kind of a bummer, but looking at the terrain, I could have easily crashed much worse there than where I did.  Small consolation.  Still, it made me pretty anxious to do it next year.  That with other little things, here and there, seems to get me going - but I've got a long way to go.

The campaign should kick-off in earnest this week.  Just waiting for a few things from the printers and then.....................

Here's a little something I ran across a while ago. Click to enjoy a little IZ - RIP Bro............

Pain is temporary.  Ride HARD!