Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Test

A slick-rock face on the Shore Line Trail - a lot steeper than it looks!

Hard Things...............and more

Riding on the Shore Line Trail has been getting better - in that I'm starting to get some confidence back.  Still, the image in my mind of breaking my ankle still keeps me a bit timid. The trail is getting busy as there are few areas that aren't still buried in snow elsewhere.  So....I tied the "lion" bell under my saddle.  Normally I reserve the bell to keep the mountain cats from sneaking up and pealing me on the bike.  Right now, the bell gives others on the narrow single track, a heads-up.  This trail is blind spot after blind spot, compounded by sharp drop-off reliefs that can send you 75' with a simple "stall-and-fall".  No bueno!  Yesterday I was able to get out in the rain and hail, which meant only a few fools as myself, on the trail ( a great day).  The rock faces that slope like above are particularly dangerous when the tires are loaded with mud and grit.  Just having a wet surface is enough to make it sketchy.  Without grip...........just plain stupid.  That picture above is on a dry day.  Notice the trail picking up in the skyline.  Good times!

This past week has been full of surprises, most of which are not favorable.  I've always said we have to be ready for whatever may come our way - when it comes our way.  Well now..........I may have to really put up.  The "porpoise" may take on a whole new function; one that is almost overwhelming.

If you're new to this, stick around.  If you have been here before, come back in a few days.  We may have a completely new challenge ahead this year.  

I guess we'll see what the "porpoise" is really made of.

Saddle up!

Ride HARD!