Sunday, July 28, 2019

On the road - without a bike

Upper Mesa Falls - Idaho
As if I weren't getting enough miles this season, I decided to not take a bike with the fam on a little outing for a couple of days.  I just dislike "dragging" bikes anywhere, considering I can get all the best riding in right from my house.  It was a thought however, as I scoped out a 30 mile dirt ride that would have been a great endurance pitch.  It just didn't feel right.  Besides, spending time with the kiddos is much better.

The upcoming week looks to be hard for miles as well.  A lot of demands and commitments as usual.  One of these has the potential to provide a substantial contribution to Huntsman, but there are a lot of things that can happen.  Back when I used to travel a lot, seems I'd end up in Brazil, or Michigan about this time of year, putting a huge hole in my training (or what I call training).  Still, I found that break just before the push a good rest for the old bod - and I do mean old.  The next month will turn into a pretty strict and concentrated effort to knock-off all the edges and get some endurance down.  Diet is very key, as I still need to drop a ton of mass to get to my ideal riding weight,  On short rides (75 miles and less), you can cheat the system with a little extra mass, but 200+ miles.......... The other morning I rode to Snowbasin early.  For about the first four miles, I just felt slow.  I finally stopped and checked my bike and noticed the back brake was slightly touching.  Do that for a couple hours and you'll be tired.  That's what it's like dragging an extra five pounds over 200 miles.  Huh, if it were only five pounds.  It's as equally as important as strength and endurance.  In fact, there is simply no faster way to increase your power to weight ratio than to simple drop fat.

The "porpoise" effort is not doing well.  I'm depending on a couple things this week to turn the tide.  Starting so late has been the biggest problem.  Most corporate prospects have already committed their budgets for the year.  I still have a couple possibilities, but what happens Tuesday is our best chance of getting out of the rut.  Aside from the donation thing, there is a lot riding on Tuesday.

Keep your fingers crossed and swing back later this week.  Lets have a little hope.............

"These aren't dues I've been paying" click here

Ride HARD!