Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Pie & Beer Day

Pioneer Day - recovery ride

The "World Famous" (literally) Shooting-Star Saloon, Huntsville, Utah.  A few years ago, they had a big banner on the side of the building for Pioneer Days, that said "Pie & Beer Days".  Kind of a "gentile" spoof.

Yesterday was a very good 51-mile tempo ride.  A couple hill sprints and a serious spoke bender at the end, made for a darn good morning.  A pretty good burn in the legs and nothing to eat prior to, or during the three-hour event was exactly what was needed.  

This morning was a moderately paced recovery ride.  Call it 33 miles.  There were a couple times I wanted to jump on it hard, but soon realized I needed to back-off.  Again, nothing to eat prior to, or during the ride left me feeling a tad weak after.    Still, pretty good.

There is a lot to make up for what has been lost earlier.  On top of that, fundraising has stalled.  No bueno.

Tomorrow needs to be a complete rest day, with something considerable for Thursday.  We'll see.....

Something a bit random........Steve Marriott - 30 Days in the hole

Ride HARD!