Sunday, April 7, 2019

Back in business......

Leaving the dropper down after a quick descent.

"Just because I don't like it, doesn't mean I don't love it...

It's never easy, or so it seems.  I did manage to get on the Shore Line Trail this past week.  Weather works for me on this trail, as it scares the "fair weather" rider away.  Yesterday was primo!  Only a few riders and conditions were excellent - and cold.  Getting on to the trail takes some motivation, but once I'm up there - I love it.  It's the same with riding Monte in the summer.  Getting started is hard, but riding over Monte Cristo takes me to a place in my mind that I simply can't explain.  It'll be likely first part of June before they have SR39 open for the summer.  For now, I'll take the dirt rides to fill-in until then.

I'm hoping for a little break this week on general funding for HHH.  If it falls through, we - and do mean WE, will have a different charter.  Rub the lucky rabbits foot - or whatever you do for such things.  

Meanwhile, the donation page is "Hot and Ready"!

461 always reminds me of Monte Cristo, September 1978.  What I'd give..................

Ride HARD!