Sunday, August 14, 2022

Getting late - again

 Only a few weeks to go.......

As can always be expected, life seems to get in the way of proper training. This year has been pretty rough time wise, so adaptation is more critical than ever. The days of simply stacking miles and spending time on a bike are just not around anymore. Instead, rides have to be very specific, with key objectives and metrics. Raising money is another matter, but somehow, they both come together - kind of.....

Morning climbing rides seem to be harder and take longer than before. Both the bike and I are getting a little more worn, but still capable if we choose to continue. Its kind of weird in that things just don't seem quite the same. Every once in a while, something familiar comes along that brings it back. The other day I was driving out on 10th West in Logan, right where we roll out in the early neutral for LOTOJA. Just being there creates the feeling of what will be that morning. With that comes the realization that there is still 200 hard miles ahead of us - but what a feeling. At that moment, there is no other place I'd rather be.

Everyone Loves Sandy

It's hard to believe, but 44 years ago, about this time of year, I went with several friends to see "Grease" the movie, at the totally hot "Cinnadome-70" theater. They had the sound system for the soundtrack, which made it.............something to remember. The setting was Americana 1958-59, literally 20 years prior. At that time we'd thought it to have been nearly pre-historic. By today's standards.....maybe last week. Nobody a that time, knew the backstory of how it was made. I don't think anyone could have predicted how iconic it would become. Somehow, it fit right into our individual blocks of personal history. It was fun, and carefree - much of what our lives were at that time. Of course the people that played the key rolls were anything but high school kids. As such, so many of them are now gone, or have changed enough to not recognize them for their individual rolls. But then there was "Sandy", the protagonist, that fit the part so well. As the movie went along, the plot develops to where she develops into the person nobody would have foreseen. In the end, who didn't love the character? Years later, reading how different character rolls were offered to various others, makes you wonder "what if". Regardless, for many kids my age, "Sandy" will always be Olivia Newton John - at least in that character.

Everyone was so young! Nobody could ever imagine what old age, or their death may look like, but as it turns out......  "Sandy" fought may years with the Big-C. Earlier this month it finally took her from us - like so many before. But in August of 1978, you wouldn't image that to have been the pending fate. I mean, it just doesn't happen - right? But there it is - and it does happen. You don't think so? Look around. At this very moment, I know first hand, several people that are fighting the Big-C themselves, or are directly affected by the personal fight of a loved one. People my age, I work with, work around, or simply know. It is everywhere. Not everyone is "Sandy", but perhaps they are to someone else special. Some of them have better prognosis than others, but they all seem to have an optimism that is inspiring. I've lost count over the years, but I remember them all. Classmates, coworkers, friends, neighbors......the list goes on. Somehow, there were all a "Sandy" to someone.

Two weeks, a rest and finally the race (ride)

The next bench-mark will be the Cache Valley Century - 28 August. Always a good ride, but more importantly, a solid bench mark. It has become the place that I get to ride on the back of some good groups and fast riders. There have been years that it has been more difficult due to weather, but always a good indicator of how I stack up. Along with that will be a couple hard climbing and endurance rides. This time of the season, it is very important to avoid injury, or setbacks. Something as simple as a strain can cost me the entire season, and that would be frustrating.

The fundraising has been non-existent to this point, but we have a goal of going over the top in the next 10 days. The overall Huntsman "score" has never recovered from the pandemic, which seems to be the case for a lot of charity rides. Don't let that get in your way, as you know how important it is to fight.

A lot has changed, but much really hasn't. I love to ride, it is just not as easy, or as enjoyable. There are too many things that just aren't the same. We can't go back, but going forward we can still make a difference.

What do you think?

Click here and enjoy this memory; Hopelessly Devoted to You - "Sandy"

Ride HARD!