Friday, August 24, 2018


Why they happen that way...............

Was online reading the e-paper again, only to see that a kid I've known for nearly 50 years died of prostate cancer?  This guy was driven.  I mean; trumpet first chair from 7th grade on, business entrepreneur when the rest of us were trying to scrape up pop-bottle money - you know the guy.  Another one of those you just don't expect to see on that page.  At the bottom of his obit it said: "Consider a donation to the Huntsman Cancer Institute".  Huh................

I immediately sent a text to my buddy out in Cali, as I know he probably knew him better than I.  Not five seconds after I sent that message I heard an email notification.  The absolute nicest and inspired women in our local congregation made a donation.  It's 5:00 in the morning. Talk about the things that stop you in your tracks.  Thanks, Yana.  You are simply amazing.

And you wonder why I ride.

Diadhacd John!

Ben Lomond peak - October 2017

You know the drill..............................