Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Off the bike for too long

Back home

After that ride to Porcupine two weeks ago, it seems there was just one more thing after the next.  Finally, last Wednesday morning, I headed for Michigan.  What started out as a busy week ended even busier.  Basically something like 60 hours between Wednesday and Saturday night - getting home just after midnight.  So much for burning some vacation............

Commitments and weather have kept me grounded until tonight.  Taking what I could get, I rode over to the horse corral trail and went part way up the back side toward Ben Lomond.  The trail was pretty rocky and washed from the  1 1/2" of rain last night so I couldn't make very good time. I should have gone for something a little more familiar.  Still, I wasn't really up for a hard ride and should have known better.  Riding the spin bike this morning was more of a strain than usual.  I guess that's what ten days off will do to you.  You lose it a lot faster than you can get it back - it a vicious thing.

More rain forecast tonight, but maybe I can get out tomorrow afternoon for a longer ride.  I could use the break from work  - and everything else for that matter.  I really don't have any confidence on my mountain bike anymore.  It's to the point that some of the technical stuff is more effort than fun, in fact, kind of tenuous.  I've gotta fix that before snow flies.

The leaves have all but turned, but not from the cold.  It's just so dry, the colors are not what they usually are this time of year.  Still, pretty darn nice just to be out and about.

Give me a couple days.  I'll come up with something................better.  The season is a changin'.

Try a little Steve Morse Click here for Ghost Wind

Suck it up! Ride HARD!