Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Bringing it all together............

Making it Happen

Time is getting short.  Tomorrow is check-in and packet pickup.  Friday is final prep and load. I'm still not set on a few bike details - including wheels.  The DT wheelset has the new R3's, 700 X 25 at full pressure.  They're trued back up pretty well, it is only a matter of confidence and reliability.  

As I usually do every year, I took tonight (the Wednesday before the race) to do a fast tempo ride.  This gives me a pretty good idea of my overall condition and the performance of the bike.  Major changes this late in the program can spell disaster.  The time to Huntsville was not too bad, considering the headwind a good part of the way.  The problem I knew would be the winds switching after the sun dropped behind the mountains - which it did.  So.......headwind both ways.  I think I worked it a little too hard, with a peak heart rate at 171 BPM and an average of 155 BPM.  Compared to the same ride two years ago at the same point, that is a lot more work, for about the same time.  That's what the wind will do to you.  Riding on an empty tank wasn't the best idea either, as I felt a little sick shortly after getting home.  Really no appetite, I just put down some chocolate milk and a hard-boiled egg.  It's too late to eat a full meal.  The DT wheels seemed to work okay.  I'll completely go through the bike tomorrow night, but I think it's where I want it to be.

Confidence overall is pretty shaky.  Total road miles are pretty low.  Considering I really couldn't stand up to pedal through the end of June, I'm pretty lucky to be able to ride at all.  The ankle isn't 100%, but it is still intact.  Working on spinning intervals with left-right leg isolations tells me pretty much the whole story.  I honestly don't know that I've ever been this nervous before an event - any event.  Truth is, I'm as strong as I've been on other years.  My weight is pretty good and other than a few minor issues, I should be capable of....................being just fine. The break back in March is still my head.  Man, I need a kick in the butt!


My Bro's and Sis' at the Alta Ski Area rolled in - with a thunder.  You guys are awesome! The beautiful area is one thing, but the people - the heart and soul of that mountain, they are what makes Alta the gem that I love.  Thanks, you guys!

And then there's Pete.  We'll generally talk business for about .........maybe 35 seconds.  Then we spend the next 45 minutes discussing the more important things - like Laser Floyd, or what we may have seen at the old Terrace Ball Room type of thing.  Thing is, Pete gets it.  He knows what is important, what is a necessity, what are formalities and what is frivolous B.S.  A darn good guy and a long time supporter of this battle.  (who's this Dave cat anyway?)

But wait, behind door number 3 is the venerable Jim D.  Talk about a team.  Jim and I get to working and I swear we can lay 12 miles of track a day - or something like that.  Here's a guy with his head screwed on straight, a hard worker and a great friend.  At some point, the NSA will crack the code and we'll both catch heck.  Until then...........our secrets are safe on Hilary's server.  Keep dave out of it - he's an idiot.

Tune in Friday, the day before the race!

We're gonna do something a little bold this year.  We'll need as many eyes on this page as we can get Friday afternoon.  I can promise you, it will be worth the visit.  Now that I've said that..........  You'll be glad you did.

Ride HARD!