Sunday, October 4, 2020

Just riding...just because

 Getting away

Now that the season has transitioned to only dirt rides, things have a different "flavor".  I still ride a lot of the same training trails, but not nearly as hard. I actually take time to enjoy the trail, and maybe talk to a few people along the way.

Riding has always given me the space and clarity to think things over in my mind.  Occasionally I'll sort through some technical problems - not really doing the "finite element" stuff, but figuring out how to setup a problem, applying the science and math later. It' amazing how clear things can be when on the bike for a while.  
There was a time when road riding could do this, and it generally still does - to some level.  Riding the dirt just takes it all away.  No traffic and occasionally other riders and hikers.  Taking time to stop and look around really sets it all straight.  The fact that this is all in my backyard just makes it that much more...…awesome.  

I've been taking the time to ride up north into the Bicentennial trail area after climbing the Mule.  This is the oldest single track in North Fork, aside from the old forest service trails up to Ben Lomond.  The name comes from the era of which the first trail was cut - 1976; The Bicentennial. Parts of the trail still don't get a ton of traffic, but enough to keep the over-growth in check. The days are getting much shorter and the time more limited. It won't be long and I'll be riding on the other side of the mountain for a while.  For now, I'll keep soaking it up, one ride at a time.  Oh, and right out of my garage at sucks to be me sometimes.

Ride HARD!