Monday, July 2, 2018

Pushing the Bonk

Progress in larger blocks.....

What started out as a fairly warm day, suddenly turned a little cool by the time I got the road bike out.  Normally by now I' stringing a bunch of little rides together, with little if any stress.  Alo by now I've got at least one full century in the books - albeit an easy one at that.  Morning workouts and mountain bike rides when time is otherwise limited, has really helped.  Tonight, I set my sights on SR39, heading toward Monte Cristo.  As late as the start may have been, I still managed to get a solid 50 miles, turning at just over 6,000 feet.  

I didn't wear the Garmin, but I know it pretty well.  I estimate the total climb to be around 2,000 feet - start to finish.  Roughly 3 hours, without a stop at a fairly constant rate, I'd put it over 1800 calories, maybe over 2000 calories.  Just long enough that I caught the very front end of the "Bonk" just as I rolled into the garage.  I couldn't have planned it any better.  This means I was right to the very threshold and was pushing it just past my limits.  This is good.  I'll need to do this a dozen more times in the next two months, with a bunch of miles in between.  Not easy.

Still, commitments that are taking my time, including a business trip.  Fortunately, my foot is good enough to start doing hotel gym workouts.  The next two weeks are critical, with key milestones.

Stay tuned.......

Ride HARD!