Sunday, October 11, 2020

Already going south.......

Planning - a bit over rated?

As things typically tend to do, schedules and commitments pretty much got in the way all week.  A pretty good rain storm last night knocked down all the dust on the trails, with a few pools still around this afternoon.  Even at that, I still only had time to get out for a very short ride before heading back home.  The leaves are mostly gone, with no shade in the usual places.  A ton of leaves covering several stretches.  With temps into the low 30's, maybe upper 20's tonight, there will be some areas that will have frozen surfaces the rest of the season.  Those can be sketchy (refer to the Ben Lomond ride a few years ago).

This afternoon's short ride seemed very "forced".  Dealing with a ton of issues on pretty much every front at the moment, really makes it had to clear my mind.  Hopefully things will be a little better tomorrow.  That link from Rapha on the previous post pretty much tells it like it is; it is my time alone.  I don't ride with others often, in fact seldom do I do so.  This time of year is different from the summer.  When possible, I prefer to take the longer, more remote rides and spend time alone in the "fresh air".  Some of this can be a little dangerous, as there may be no cell service and may not see anyone else for hours. There are times when you just have to "check-out" for a while.  I'll have to see what I can do to get to that point tomorrow afternoon.

This is how it usually starts......

A missed ride, skipping a few indoor sessions, no personal discipline.....this is where the offseason can go wrong quickly.  There isn't supposed to be an off season this year, but I think that gets said nearly every year.  Truth is, I'd better get a few goals in place soon, or forget about Leadville, or anything else concerning next season for that matter.  I'm already feeling the effects of limited hours, as the simplest climbs seem to arrive at a higher cost.

Perhaps a good half day ride over to Porcupine, or a trip to the top of Ben Lomond will set things straight.  It is getting kind of late, at there was snow at about 7.500 feet this morning.  Definitely not going over the top this late in the year, but maybe something a little different.  Stick around........

Ride HARD!