Friday, September 7, 2018

A Plea for Hope


Time: Irrevocable, non-refundable. You are granted 1440 minutes every day.  How you spend it is generally up to you.  Once gone, you can't get it back.

The Challenge

I ask two things of you - now that you are here: First, pass this blog and specific effort on to two more people immediately - like NOW!.  Second - give 6 minutes of you to something, or somebody - TODAY!.  If you can't think of something you can do for someone else, spend 6 minutes passing this effort along to ten people.  Buy a cup of something for that guy in need.  Help a mother in the parking lot. Donate old clothes to a charity.  Whatever it is, just do something to put aside any differences and give somebody the gift of hope - it's only 6 minutes.  If you can help the Porpoise great, if not great still - just give a little bit.

The Goal

The goal I extend to everyone is to effect enough change to drive 100 page views, thus 600 minutes.  By Sunday night, we should have more than 2,735 page views.  That is a lot of hope.

Here's why

Tomorrow I will ride because I can.  More so, I will ride in memory of Hadley and in tribute to her family.  I asked them to write on my jersey, of which you can see above.  On my shoulders all day, it will be there, and it is an honor.  # HADLEYMYHERO - "Ride Hard for those who are fighting - and in Memory of those who's fight is finished".

If you have the guts, or just want to know why, follow this link to the final post of 2017. Click Here for Final Post 2017  If not, just make a difference.  Seriously - it's your turn to be a hero.


We are born into this life with pain, but we endure.  Give a little to help someone else endure.  It's what makes us all great in the end.

Please - help.

Ride HARD!