Thursday, January 31, 2019

Tough Times

Needing bike time............

Winter in the Northern Wasatch is not ideal for outdoor bike training.  Last year I was able to ride a ton on parts of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail Network.  This year is completely different.  The main service road is snow packed and sketchy at best.  Looking up toward some of the single track, it appears there are places it has burned completely off, but other places it may be 12" deep.  This isn't going to work.  I tried some parking lot riding, to work on technique, but patches of ice make that hazardous as well.

I have only a few options, and none of them are close to ideal.  Indoor training doesn't get me the time I need on my mountain bike. Road riding, steep repeating hill intervals on the hard tail is good cardio and leg strength, but still no technique.  Heading south is a considerable investment in time, for nowhere near the riding hours.  I've only got about 5 weeks and had better get it figured out, or it will be another "no show" for the True Grit.

All things considered, it's been a pretty crappy past few months.  Sometimes you just have to hang on and work toward the change.

Ride HARD - or something..........