Monday, August 28, 2017

Less than two weeks to go..............

Morning Climbs & Quality Miles

Not all miles are equal. Flat miles and rollers can only buy so much, but the same can be said for climbing miles.  As often as I ride alone (virtually all the time), climbing is a little harder to cheat versus the other stuff.  By cheat, I mean simply fooling yourself that you are better than you really are.  Considering this morning's ride was nearly 60 miles and that 28% of that was climbing, you can bank it being a pretty good workout.

Early mornings aren't as early as they were just a few weeks ago, and they are also getting a little cooler.  Heading for Snowbasin, via Trappers Loop, I decided to use arm-warmers.  The climb up from the north side was the best time of this season, and not far off my personal record.  Still conditions have a lot to do with those things - take it for what its worth.  The loop around the Basin was also pretty fast - about what I should expect this time of year.  Down to Mountain Green and immediately back on the road to get over the mountain, that climb was also pretty good - all in some pretty hard gears.  On the way home, I ran across a guy that got a little "frisky".  After Saturday, I was in no mood and simply applied a little hurt and left him well behind.  After a good 12-15 minutes pushing it hard, I was pretty satisfied.  That kept me on a pretty good pace to the last 3 miles of grade.  I should have pushed that bit a little harder, but it still wasn't bad.  Overall, not too bad.

Still a few issues in the right shoulder, but getting better.  The key now is to stay healthy.  I need to also do a little work on the bike before I take it out again.

Still too early to fall into maintenance mode, but I also need to be careful.

Less than two weeks.

Ride Hard!

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