Thursday, August 31, 2017

One more for the Road

Last ride to Woodruff for the year

Nothing says LOTOJA prep like long rides with lots of climbing.  There are few, if any rides as suitable for LOTOJA training as Woodruff.  Doing this four times in the last four weeks is quite an adventure.  At roughly 120 miles each time, the miles stack up fast - and these are generally quality miles.  This late in the year it is easy to over do it.  A balancing act from here on in.

My times to key points yesterday weren't bad, just not the best.  Overall, I felt pretty good all the way over and back.  Feeding in the right places and the right times, with correct hydration paid off.  Most importantly, the conditions were pretty good.  A little rain, but generally cloud cover all the way.  I really couldn't ask for more.

Coming back over, just off Little Monte (between MPs 42 & 43), I ran across a motorcycle and rider piled up on the side of the road.  This was in a spot where I was doing more than 40 in the straightaway.  He was pretty banged up, but not nearly as bad as you'd expect for such an event.  By the time I got back on the road, it had been about 90 minutes.  Getting back on the bike, I was completely cooled-off, but not stiff at all.  Within the first couple hundred feet, I was easily back to 40+.  With the little rest, I was able to push it hard all the way into Huntsville.  As good as I was feeling I decided to stretch the ride to 130+ miles.  Somewhere along the way I picked up something and flatted - AGAIN!  In the end, I had to call for a bailout, when I had a ton of energy to burn.  All good.

Donations are coming along and I think we'll make it - I hope.  The next few days are also critical for maintenance.  From this point, a 50 - 60 mile sprint ride, maybe Saturday morning.  A 32 mile tempo ride early next week.  A 15 mile sprint pace and then packet pick-up.  A delicate balance at this point.

Start time is 7:03, Men's Cat 5, 45+ B.  A pretty late start, which means I'll have to swim upstream to catch good groups.  The big issue will be getting over the first two climbs in good shape.  If I can get on a good group going to Salt River Pass, I just have to keep it together up KoM (King of the Mountain) and I should be in a position to do............better.

Need a little confidence and no more flats.

Stay tuned.............

Ride hard!

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