Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Back to Woodruff - An amazing day.

In past years I typically start "stacking" miles the last few weeks.  Doing several 50-60 mile rides during the week can add up pretty fast, but three hour rides only burn calories.  I need to develop some stamina and endurance.  Monday was supposed to be a 60 mile early morning ride, but some problems in my right shoulder area turned that into a couple intense sessions on the indoor spin bike.  It actually is a better burn, but doesn't contribute to miles.  Today had been planned several weeks ago as the third Woodruff ride.  Having scrapped Monday, I didn't have a choice - pain, or not.

Before heading out to Monte, I always review the hourly weather forecast for surrounding areas, as well as a thorough look at a Doppler chart.  It was looking pretty sketchy, but not enough to call it off today.  The same thing a month ago would have resulted in a different ride, but right now we can't afford the changes.  Looked like rain early on, with rain on the back side by about 2 o'clock.

On the road by 07:00, I could see wet roads off and on all the way over to South Fork Canyon.  The wind was pretty stiff going up South Fork, for at least 15 miles.  Key times at MP37 and the camp ground were both 10 minutes off pace, but expected.  Winds going down the back side all the way to Woodruff cut my time even more.  All the way in I could see it storming in  front of me, but never got hit, just saw wet roads for most of the last 15 miles into Woodruff.

Back on the road, conditions were great.  I was watching storms ahead of me, going up the back side of Monte.  Amazingly I only had a brief sprinkle, blown in from a storm at least twenty miles away.  All the way to the top I had cloud cover and maybe even a tail wind.  I stayed in my big ring to the snow gate between MPs 56 & 55 and back in it at MP49.  Not once did I have to go into the bail-out gear today.  A minor victory - anyway.  The only direct sunshine I saw on the way back was for about two miles up around the camp ground.  Funny thing was that is also when I got the only rain showers.  Not a cloud directly over my, and the rain was falling straight down from an empty hole in the sky.  As soon as the sun was swallowed by a cloud, it stopped.  They call it "Angle Tears" as it appears not to fall from clouds.  Pretty cool, both literally and figuratively. 

Early in the day I was only able to hit 38 MPH on any of the down hill due to wind.  On the way back I was constantly in the mid 40's MPH.  I didn't have any head wind until four miles from Huntsville, and that was pretty tame compared to last week.  My climb back from Woodruff was more than 50 minutes faster than last week and the overall into Huntsville faster yet.  Over all, not too bad.

I stopped at Huntsville park to get a little water and made the mistake of laying on the grass.Spending a little too much time there literally made me sick when I stood up.  I had planned to drop my bike at the shop on the way home, but I wasn't sure I could make it work.  In the end, I was able to make it after all.

The bike is needing some attention, as it was making a lot of strange noise coming home.  A little attention at the shop will make it happy again.  Me, on the other hand, have a real problem with knots on my right shoulder area.  I've got an appointment with the "shop" for a deep tissue session on Friday.  Talk about hurt, it makes my eyes water when they work the knots outs, but by the next day, it's better than new.  Hopefully both the bike and I will be ready for the Cache Valley ride, Saturday morning.

Fund raising is starting to move a little.  Big thanks to the little Bro Jackson and his wife for the donation.  Another Big Thanks to my Bros at CR Lighting and Electric.  I owe you big time!

This is how we change the world.  On that note, Please follow the link: Clapton and Baby Face - Change The World

Ride Hard Bros and Sis'!  Were doing it...................

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