Friday, November 16, 2018

Slowing down?

Next season is in the gate......

A couple of good rides on the dirt this week.  The ride Monday was pretty cold and pretty much the way I like it.  27° by the time I got back to the house.  Tonight was a tad warmer like upper 30's when I got home - riding shorts weather.  The trail is mixed with snow, ice, some minor mud and a ton of leaves.  No other riders either night, but I did happen on to a bull moose Monday night.  A couple weeks ago I tied a bell to the bottom of my saddle for such occasions.  Still, this feller was right in the middle of the single track, not sure what was coming at him.  By the time I saw him, I was coming out of a blind turn at just under warp speed - literally no time to adjust.  Fortunately, the moose had already turned around and was for getting out of there.  I've had it go the other way when the moose has sent me packing all the way back from where I just came.  All that is what makes this absolutely great.

Had a quick meeting with the company riding club Poobah.  He's getting ready to retire, so another guy and I are going to split duties.  Thus, we are already starting to look at kits, gear, rides, and activities for next year.  This is where Huntsman and Lotoja get the primary funds for the HHH function.  I also registered for my first race - okay ride.  True Grit is March 9th near Santa Clara.  This is the race I was training for last year when I jacked-up my ankle.  I've also been getting notices for Leadville, but that is definitely a long shot at best.  I'm also looking at a different approach to fundraising for next season.  Stay tuned.....................

I've noticed the page views have started to slow, so maybe time to cool it for a while.  Still, if I can still ride in North Fork, the season can't be over yet.  Meanwhile, riding is always good when you can get it.

We're not done yet.

Ride HARD!

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