Sunday, November 11, 2018


What is the cost?

Cold and dry today.  Took a short little ride out on on the oil (and a little dirt), to appreciate 33° in the face.  Schedules have been less than ideal for riding and such, but I've made a few changes that will remedy that problem.  Still, not a lot of time left on the local trails before I'll be on the other side of the mountain.  Registration for "True Grit" opened yesterday - the one I was training for when I busted my ankle last March.  I need to figure out how to get some training rides in down there before I sign-up.  13 weeks, I think I can make it.

So..........on this, the 100th anniversary of the Armistice, the thought of true sacrifice definitely comes to mind. A sacrifice is something you give up, to never get back, or reimbursed.  It is not a donation, it is absolute giving - to never be given back.  There is a lot to be said for someone that will sacrifice for another, without knowing who that other maybe.  It doesn't really matter the cause, just the fact that someone - anyone, may be willing to sacrifice for another.  That is character of the highest kind.

You locals know of the most recent in our area.  These are truly the people that make a difference.

No matter what you may believe, who or what you worship, how you vote, how you voice your opinion - somebody paid the price that you may do so.  It wasn't free.  More so, the debt is never satisfied.  As I've said so many times before; you've got to put your self in a position - prepare yourself, that you may step up when the time comes.  It's not easy.

Thanks for your service.  Thanks for the sacrifice.

Riding is so easy.

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