Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Another Trip Around the Sun?

From the Vault - Autumn sunrise 2020

 Birthday wishes

Funny how we may become fixated on the laps of time and our ever increasing age. Truth is, we have gained a lot of experience in our time here on the "big blue marble". Sometimes the benefit of that experience gets lost in the desire to put pain and misery behind us, when we should hold every one of those as monuments to our character growth. It has made us who we are. So what is really in a happy birthday wish anyway? Sure, there is the wish for all things that are good, prosperity and health. But what makes us grow to become stronger is our capacity to overcome hardship - so why not which for those things that will makes us more than we already are. I wouldn't suggest dwelling on the negative, but certainly don't discard it either. All that said, here's to another year of good health, prosperity and all that comes with those things.

Things in common

A couple weeks ago, I was able to share an evening with a couple of my most favorite people in the world. An occasion to see that troupe "Leonid and Friends" - a genuine great time. And what makes it great is everything and everyone there. These guys  (L&F) are great and I recommend it to anyone that enjoys a great live act. These guys are perhaps the hardest working act on the road today. I mean....we're talking a Russian, Chicago cover band, but that really doesn't cover the depth of the experience. Find these guys on YouTube, or go to their website. Simply amazing! The second time we've seen them, as we caught them last year during their first visit to the Beehive. So what does this have to do with things in common? It made me realize how much so many of us cling to the same things from our youth. In one particular part, the sax-payer is doing a little "guess that song" and veers unexpectedly in to a chorus of "Sweet Caroline". The entirely packed crowd at Kingsbury Hall start singing along with him, as he plays impromptu and solo as though an anthem. But then that short chorus part- everyone singing in unison;
"Swett Caroline, 
                                                       Good times never seemed to be so good."
It was at that moment I understood we all had these similar experiences growing up - seared into our souls. And then the part when technology showed its head, where cell phone lights were all lit in place of what used to be the convenient BIC lighter. This woman in front of kicking it old school, pulls out the real things and strikes up the torch - CLASSIC & AWESOME! In those moments all differences are checked at the door and our common interests prevail. Embrace those things that we have in common and don't focus on our differences. It's amazing how much we do have in common with each other despite some differences. Maybe, just maybe we can learn to amplify our similarities and forget that we have any differences. That doesn't mean we give up on our personal convictions, only keep them in check and respect and appreciate those things we do share. After all, its a big sand box and we need to share with others.....

A little rag-horn.....

Still getting the miles on......

The colder weather has caused a delay on rides on days that I can actually ride, but I'm still getting out when I can - while I still can. I ran across this little bull elk up west of the Monastery the other day. All alone and only about 100-yards off the road. It was in no hurry to get up, but also didn't seem to be distressed. I couldn't get close enough to see if it had ben wounded, but I suspect it ran off from a hunting unit a few miles up the mountain. It's just one of those things you stumble across when you are stacking miles. Riding this late in the year is truly different, as the sun is so low on the horizon, that even it's direct effect is limited. Layered up, most days I get back with feet and hands cold, with my core pouring sweat. It makes you feel alive and invested.

Looking forward

Old reliable atop Copper Mountain - 12,313 feet

2021 was a year nearly as bad as this past year. If I learned anything that year, it was that I can ride at 12,000 feet without much difficulty - I just have to screw my head on straight. Next year we are going back with the hardtail to finally challenge Leadville. Sure, there is a lot that can and will likely happen before next year. But why should that matter. If you keep your head pointed toward something long enough, you'll eventually find yourself at that place. To do it on your terms you have to be persistent and undeterred. So here we all are looking out over that horizon at what we hope to be and do. But are we equipped and willing to take on the challenge that comes with the dream? Afterall, without a plan, action and effort - it will only be a dream. And with that in mind, when did you dream about where you are today? Time to get off the duff and make it happen on your own terms....

A birthday gift.....

Out on the back patio with Helen, singing along.....

Pulling for Reed! Ride HARD!

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