Thursday, September 12, 2024

Recognizing those that support the "Porpoise"

 The Purpose of the Porpoise

Without the support of all of you, this thing wouldn't go anywhere. I cannot be too grateful for this support and what it actually does to make this simple, but yet potent machine function. Here's to you all - including those that simply stop by occasionally to see what nonsense I scratch-out. 

The coolest of sisters.......

I've said this before, my sisters are the coolest a kid could have. I'm the youngest of the herd, so they always had an influence. "B" stopped by again this year and gave the "Porpoise" a solid shove. She has always been kind of a leader into new frontiers and the future. Pretty sure she was the original Beatles fan on this continent -she has a sophisticated sense that makes her an original. More importantly, she is true to herself and her standards. I've said this before; 1978 Christmas - 52nd Street. Still a favorite of mine and one I would never have had the savvy to have bought on my own. That is only a small sample of the things I have learned from my "wiser" sister. Thanks for the support big sis!

The Legend

"D(o)" is back yet again. He is truly a legend. A man of which you can always find a solid demeaner. I'm always amazed at how he has vision well beyond the horizon. What seems to be an always even temperament, he is definitely a guy you want in your corner when the situation is tough. Thanks for being here again. I truly appreciate all you have done over the years. You are without a doubt - a true legend!

Partner in Crime

For a number of years, back when I was gainfully employed, I was fortunate to have worked with a couple really good engineers. Lots of projects all around the globe with some pretty interesting situations. I learned a lot from these guys. The guy I travelled with has been a frequent supporter of the Porpoise over the years. As a matter of fact, he was instrumental in me completing my first LOTOJA. We have both long since left that place, but stay in contact on a regular basis. He is without a doubt the smartest rider I know. I still ask him for advice in everything from engineering to cycling. A darn good guy who helped me survive a lot of stuff over the years. He even survived my driving in foreign countries. Thanks for showing up again TD. Lets stop a Fuagou for some meat on a stick....


Yet another legacy supporter of the Porpoise, we've have a few good times on projects over the years. An endurance guy himself, he is often giving me ideas on nutrition and training. And then there are times when he gets talking about churros. Holy crap! Next thing you know, we are completely sideways on a job and wondering how we may have got to that point. Still, we knocked down some pretty good dragons over the years and I'm always glad to work with him. Thanks for sticking around. Just be a little careful taking calls at odd hours from Rod.....

One of the Home Crew

I've said this a million times before; my kids are 100 times smarter than I could ever be. This kid is no exception. Level headed and smart, with a ton of discipline. His own little cadre is quite the crew in itself. He's been around before the Porpoise was even a purpose. He's been to a handful of LOTOJAs over the years, so he know the in and outs of the entire season and event. Never been a bike rider himself, he still gets the bigger picture and manages to help out - a lot. I'm sure I can find another bottle of "Mule Sauce".

The Brightest Stars in the SKY

There are those individuals that simply seem to shine brighter than others in a crowd. Such is the case with A&M. Wow! We go back a long way. We seldom have much interaction anymore, but when they show up, they show up as the brightest in the sky. Call it a countenance, I dunno, but that's really the way it is. It is always good to see them again, as it brings back memories of better, perhaps simpler times. I wish I could say more without taking the luster off the finish. Lets just say they are always a welcome sight for my eyes. Thanks you two...........

Arrr! The rest of the crew...

These are the same knuckleheads that keep me going every year. Undoubtedly, this year was harder than others. In fact, this year just sucked (more about that in the wrap-up in a few days). Nonetheless, the crew stayed the course and kept things tolerable. It can't be done with them, especially the "first-mate" - Number 1. This year certainly didn't go as one would have liked, but then there are those things kind of out of our control. We have a lot to sort out between us, but we do have a solid crew and I know we'll be ready for the next season.

One more from the Road

Ah, the great Lynyrd Skynyrd album. Talk about great, this one came in while I was updating the post, but didn't notice it until on the way to Montana for the weekend. TK - the heart and soul of Cache Valley and a great friend. I worked with him form many years and learned what a calm demeanor and level head are really like. Also a loyal follower of the thing we call "The Porpoise", he is reliable as a new calendar. The one that coined the phrase "darker than the inside of a cow", he is a man of true wisdom and insight. Thanks for all you do......

The others - already covered

There were the others that stopped by earlier, in fact way early (see previous posts). I would be remis to leave them out of this wrap-up. The earliest came at a time when the wheels were coming off. It kept my mind in the game. Later, things really went south and the other sis pulled through - again at the right time. I can never say it enough; thanks for jumping in with the Porpoise this year. You have made a difference.

Race Summary and Fall Posting

Heading off for an easy dirt ride tomorrow. Helluva long drive, but beautiful country. Nothing technical at all, but some pretty neat features along the way. While out there, I'll draft up a season and race summary. After that, look for weekly posts through most of the remaining year. Normally the Porpoise rides until it snows. This year.....lets try out that snow bike and see how it goes.

Stick around and check in weekly when possible.

Here's one that kind of sums it all up nicely. That two string picking arrangement is something he and George developed early on. You may recognize it....

Pulling for REED! Enjoy the ride while you can........

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