Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Tributes and Gratitude - Another one in the books...


The usual next day stop in Beautiful Randolph, Utah.

Another participation medal

Not to go into the details yet, but I did finish - again. If last year wasn't pretty, than this year was down right ugly. For the most part, it was almost exactly as expected. Perhaps I should improve my expectations?
More later this week.

The Legend.....

A donation came in Friday afternoon, from an old friend and dang good guy. He has supported the Porpoise in the past and is certainly a welcomed addition to the team this year. I'm pretty sure he is older than I, but looks like 20 years younger. I mean...he's like Dick Clark - ageless, but approximately 136 times cooler. Always the steady ship in the roughest of waters, he is truly an inspiration. I have been blessed to have his positive influence in my family for the past several years. Thanks Dano! You are truly a legend.


There are many to thank this year, but none more than my support crew and chief. This ride/race doesn't happen by ones-self, it take a team - a crew if you will. And driving that crew is always the crew-chief. From getting ready the week before, through dropping me off at the starting line, through the supported feed zones and finally to the finish - that doesn't begin to cover it all.

Race Crew

This would be the yea-whose again. My first LOTOJA was shortly after my daughters first birthday. She has been to every one of these things along the way. Sure... a bit of a turd at times, but still my favorite turd nonetheless. Of course the brothers that keep her in check make for an eventful activity - regardless of what that might be. Again this year, they were all wearing custom "Porpoise Athletics" shirts. Pretty sweet if you ask me. I'm sure they think it is a spectacle, watching the "old-man" (emphasis on OLD), grind my guts out year after year. They are there; from the 04:00 wake-up, to the finish line, wondering if this is the year I can't get in on time. No question - we are a LOTOJA family.

The Chief

Of course every crew must have it's crew-chief. Again this year, that was my better half. If you only knew the sacrifices she makes to tolerate my bad behavior. It seems about every six, or seven years, the race falls on our wedding anniversary.  As matter of fact, it is 37 years today. Hmmmm.... If there ever was a model of inspiration, it is certainly her. It is no exaggeration that I often consider what I think to be pain, against what she has endured with having 10 (yep, that's right) kids - naturally. That's when I realize the difference between pain and simple discomfort. She keeps things in order and has the kit-bags ready at the feed zones. At a fighting weight of barely 105 pounds soaking wet, she is formidable. She also makes all the arrangements, orders the Porpoise swag and keeps me generally in line. I typically don't like this to get too personal, so I'll leave it with the link below.

This is arguably the most beautiful Beatles song of ALL time. The live tribute to George, by Paul, Eric, Ringo, Albert, Billy, Jeff and a bunch of others - it is the closest thing to appropriate here.

Better lucky than good............

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