Saturday, September 23, 2023

Counting the weeks


Early morning out at the farm. Seems like a lifetime ago....

Only 50 weeks to go....

Monday morning I had a very early job that gave me an opportunity to swing by the old farm in between appointments. Looking eastward across the quiet, I could see the general location of the starting line from only a week before. I spent a lot of my youth up here and in the stillness of that morning, I could feel it as though I were still 17 years old. Hunting behind a loyal lab, that between us, we would bag more than our fair share of birds. Hearing my dad tell me stories of when he was a kid up on this same alkali hillside, it seemed like someone else's dream. And now....I'm older than he was when we had those magic moments chasing upland game. I clearly remember being as young as five, helping my dad up here - falling asleep on the floorboard on the way home. It seemed like another world - a place that was so far from our reality. I can't accurately tell you of the peace I felt during those years, but it was as real as the dirt in my shoes at the end of the day. As I looked across the valley, I could clearly see the entire first hour of the race - at least just past Preston. As things would have it, this farm will be up for sale very soon, as it is the last part of my parents estate. It will be gone, as those days that have long since past. Enough time to put some thought into what is next - a mere 50 weeks away. It all happens in the blink of an eye.

Traction and a little more information from last post

I saw an email from the radio guys this past week. N7RXE posted some statistics as to some actual hours and numbers of people in their operation. According to his email, prep hours were 591.25 hours, 1172.5 hours on race day and return, 72 principle race day volunteers accounting for 1763.75 hours,  many more more associated with those primary individuals. They had 45 medical supports, 107 mechanical supports and 119 crew interactions. These are the tangible figures. The intangible is where that magic happens. Also consider that these numbers are the action of many and I mean many years of experience. It can't be overstated, the importance and significance all these people make. If you are a current rider, or one from the past, your experience was a success in large part due to the people that we only see as a blur during the course of the race. But you see, that is how it works - for all of us. Sharpen your skills and abilities, that you may contribute to something greater than the some of its parts. In the end, the world can be a better place. Thanks for the traction KR and crew!

Nose in the direction you want to go

It has been proven that if you point yourself in a direction long enough, eventually you will tend to that place over time. McCartney has said several times that if you do anything for 10,000 hours, you are an expert in that....thing, whatever it is. Where is your nose pointing? Where are you tending toward? Who do you follow?

There are a lot of people on the internet that have vlogs and blogs about cycling. There are a few that I will occasionally check in on; Syd & Macky, Katie, maybe NorCal. Most of them I find simply annoying, as that is all they do and doesn't represent my interest - at all. The one guy I am a huge fan of is Locklan Morton - the Aussie. A former pro rider, he has doe some remarkable endurance rides, from GB Duro to most recently the Continental Divide Trail - all in record times. Originally a "roadie" he started mountain biking a few years ago when he and Howes (Alex) did the Dirty Kanza and Leadville together. The thing I find compelling is his resilience. It doesn't matter that he isn't as flashy as Keegan, or as bombastic as (not to be named), he is what we all strive to be; fighters in it for the long haul. Locky is guy you can feel good about watching. He is an inspiration to we that are...old and slow.

Maybe next week I'll touch a little on the race from a couple weeks ago. For now, lets try something a little different.

Ride HARD!

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