Sunday, August 20, 2023

The Push - Needing Some Help!


East Canyon

Where we're at.........

Officially just under 3 weeks to go and still a lot of ground to makeup. This past week was a reasonably good ride to East Canyon, over above Morgan. It's been a while since I have last done that ride and it was good to be back. A pretty long stretch, I typically take a there bottles of water and several different items for fuel. My time getting over Trappers was a bit slow, but not totally bad. The total time to the turn-around was about what I had expected. It still is no solid indicator of where I am, but I know there is a long way to go yet.  Lets hope for a solid week......

Huntsman Needs Your Help

Looking at the Huntsman/Lotoja home page, it tells a pretty dire story. As of this writing, they have logged less than 15% of the overall goal - meaning things are not looking good. Normally this close to the event, it has more than 50% of the total goal received. It appears there are only 71 participants this year, with a total commitment of only $71K. That's not even half the overall goal of $150K . I'm sure this is a combination of numerous things, but it still speaks of desperate times.

How the Porpoise came to be....

I can't clearly remember when I first started to ride for Huntsman, but it seems to be nine years ago. My employer at the time would donate $20K to effectively underwrite all the entry fees for the LOTOJA riders in Huntsman, as well as supporting other charitable events. I needed something (a purpose) to drive myself along with this whole LOTOJA thing. Add to that the number of people I knew which had fought a battle with the "Big-C", with varying results. It seemed like the thing to do at that time. What I couldn't have known at the time is the effect and experiences that would pile-up along the way. This cheesy blog started as simply a way to direct people into the donation page - as it is kind of hard otherwise. Through this, I shared some very personal experiences and details. Since then, my now former employer, has long since ceased donating to the cause, or any cause for that matter. This left a huge hole in the budget for Huntsman  - without any prior notice, or explanation. Basically, it's what big corporations do when leadership (or lack there of) change. Since that change over five years ago, I solidified my commitment to Huntsman to simply do what I can, as long as I can.

Economic Swings

What I have noticed through these years is that the donation page is a very good indicator of consumer confidence and the overall economy.  It tends to be a leading indicator, as donations are not organically flowing in to the organization. Well, here we are again. This time appears to be more obvious than in years past. Sure, the landscape is also changing, but the need for treatment and facilities has never been greater. This cause knows no slowdown due to economic conditions. 

Personal Stories

You can go back and look at several past posts where I mention the different people over these years that have lost their personal battles with the "Big-C". As time goes on, it never seems to end. Former co-workers, childhood friends, family members, neighbors - I mean the list goes on. What doesn't change is the insidious effect it has on everyone - and I mean everyone. I'm just a dumb engineer, not a doctor. I do know we all can have a positive effect by doing just a little bit. As you stop to think about it, consider how a little from a lot of people can go a long way.

Ten days to 10% - The Campaign

The Porpoise is pushing to raise 10% of the current total Huntsman accrued amount by the August 30th. Rounded up, that will be something in the order of $2,200 to be raised and donated. In doing this, it will take the effort of a lot of people. Everybody knows somebody, and in turn - they know somebody.  In the end, a little from a lot can go a long way - and that's what is needed. During this time, posts will increase, while personal contacts are going out. It's time to show what human resolve is all about.  How about it?

One of the sisters comes through again.........

To kick things off, one of the regular "Porpoise" supporters has already come through. One of my  sisters is leading the way. She has been a great inspiration all of these years and an unwavering supporter of many things that are good. In a post several years back, I detailed how she gave me one of my all time most memorable Christmas gifts - 1976, "Band On the Run". I wore out that piece of vinyl and still have it to this day. She knows how to make things happen. Thanks big-sis!

Big things to come!

Ride HARD!

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