Saturday, July 22, 2023

Riding through.....

 Opportunity - when it knocks

So often we fail to make the most of our opportunities, as they present themselves. The above image was an early morning tempo-ride, on the old road bike. Mid 40 degrees when I set out that morning, and not even 60 degrees by the time I got home. Sure, these aren't the most challenging miles, but they sure can make a difference in an attitude. I track my performance with a Garmin device, giving me all the important details. Truth is, these rides may fatigue me, but my heartrate never really gets up where I'd like it to be. That takes some I'm really not doing like I should.

The other day I chose to put-off riding until the evening, thinking it would be a nice cool ride after a long hot day. Spending most of the day working on my computer, I finally decided to make a quick dash for my gear and get out the door for an hour dirt session. The image above is what greeted me, on my way out of the garage. It almost doesn't look to be real - oh, but is was very real. Having been caught on that mountain in some pretty ferocious storms, I wouldn't take the chance of being taken out by a falling tree, lightning bolt, or flying-monkey (oh, they are real). That same night, a woman was crushed by a falling tree down on an oiled pedestrian trail, while riding the Rio Grande. Not worth the chance - believe me.

By the next morning, everything was pretty dry. Although not too early, it was still cool and very humid, with the clouds still hanging on Ben Lomond Peak (shown above). I'm not sure that I saw another soul on the trail, but I also wasn't in a hurry either. Taking in all the beauty is sometimes difficult when my tongue is dragging in the dirt - working my guts out. My mountain bike skills are lacking considerably. I struggle on down-hill stuff, I should be gliding through. The trails are getting enough traffic, that there are subtle changes every day.  What use to be my hidden little secret has become a mecca for riders - from all over.  It kind of sucks. Still, I certainly haven't made the most of my opportunities when I otherwise could. 

Needing some direction

If you have been here, you'll know this shot. It is remarkable, as it looks over the broad spread of the valley. So many times I make this climb (up above to the dead-end overlook), with some crazy idea that I will receive some sort of inspiration, or direction. Well......from that very location, the only direction to go is down. Maybe about 20 minutes from rolling back into my garage at home. I think it is safe to say, we too often expect some divine source to reach down from the clouds and speak to us - as if in a Monty Python skit (stop your groveling). It doesn't work that way - at all. Putting our own darkness and uncertainty behind us is totally up to the individual. Making the most of what you have, with what you have, while you have it......well, you do the math. It's pretty simple.

Pain and Endurance Prevaileth

Make no mistake, being everything you can possibly be is not easy. Endurance comes through suffering - and cycling is largely self-induced suffering. Through our own pain, we must endure. When we perceiver, we develop hope - an internal belief in ourselves that we are more than the sum of a bunch of old and worn out parts. I can tell you from explicit personal experience, overcoming the natural tendency to not pushback is necessary for our own growth. If it's easy, don't expect a reward. If it's hard, don't expect a reward either. Rather, take comfort in knowing that you have overcome hardship and won yet another battle in the war we call life.

Ride HARD!

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