Sunday, December 27, 2020

Final Post of 2020 - FINALLY!

 Putting it all behind us- Perspectives

The same place, same time of day - about 7 months later & in the snow.

What a year it has been.  But then again, why do we always delineate our lives by the beginning and end of years? Kind of funny how that happens; as if magically, January 1st erases everything and we get a fresh start. If it were only that way. The truth is we can't uncouple the past.  It is inextricably connected to us, no matter how far forward we may go. So....perhaps we should recognize the past for what it is and embrace what comes next with gusto (if that is even a word in today's lexicon). But here we are.  And all that may really have changed is our perspectives. Chalk it up to our life's experiences. What a ride it has been, and it isn't over by any means - yet!

Brothers and Sisters

The first post for this past season included a subheading called "Brothers". Being true to my methods, I don't use pictures, names, or descriptions of anyone as part of the storyline.  The picture....well, really  was not of the "brothers".  So who are these guys?  It's not that easy. Beside, it is truly brothers and sisters. Over the course of those formative years, I was in the mix with a unique group of kids.  At the time, I don't think any of us thought we were unique.  As time has gone along, it is truly the case. Some of the little jabs we gave each other, the pushing and support....maybe even a little competition between us. In the end, those were the little influences that made our character.  Sometimes a bit more feisty, while knowing where not to stick our noses. Then there were the sisters. One such particular was without a doubt one, the most athletic in our class. I always had tremendous respect for her as a competitor. She also ran with a group of what I would call "compasses". You know the ones. At the end of our sophomore year, she wrote in my year book, "you are the funniest, but laziest person I know". I'm certain it wasn't meant in a derogatory manner, but I never let that out of my head - to this day. Wanting to never be the person that cost us "the game", I worked my tail off. Knowing how hard others would have worked, made me want to work that much harder. Fact is, I needed to work harder than everyone else, just to stay up with them. I'm sure nobody else ever knew how much extra I had to put in, but that's not why I did it. I really couldn't stand the thought of letting any of them down. Believe it or not, that did happen. I doubt anyone else will ever remember, but I sure as hell will never forget. The next morning as I was waking up, on my radio I heard the score from our game the previous evening "19 - 18". I thought I would throw up. By our senior year, I had worked my guts out. By mid year, football behind us (most of us), I began to be complacent. Those others.... they excelled and became stars. Maybe I am lazy, but I don't think I ever let any of them down. I hope I never do let them down either. They are my brothers and sisters.

Two views of Ben Lomond

We are Scots and Lasses

That big rock is more than a landmark. It is my home. Ben Lomond was named by early settlers (Montgomery's) as it reminded them of the mountain near Loc Lomond in Scotland. As seen from my house, you can also see "THE Black Mountain", as in similar to "THE Black Island" in Scotland, in that same lake as well. When our high school first opened, it was already called "East Ogden High", the moniker being the Spikers and the colors being Black and Red. True to the spirit of what would become a lot of us, there was a push-back against the whole "East Ogden" thing. Rather, it was decided by the first student body to call it Ben Lomond, as the Scots/Lasses, and Tartan Plaid as the colors. I don't know that any of us knew it at the time, but we still had the same spirit. Sure it is just a high school, but for was one with our character and pride. I make it a point to visit the Ben Lomond Peak annually. In recent years, it has become rather popular. As the entire Wasatch range runs directly north-south, Ben Lomond cuts abruptly to the west and then back again toward Willard Peak. It is easily noticeable well to the south, as well as from the north by air. When taking the eastern routes back from Detroit, or Minneapolis, we'd quite often cut right over the top. Over the past several years, I have lost far too many of my friends from here. Sure, there are those that were just passing through, but then there are we; born to be here in our time. Our bodies are wearing out, and falling apart, but we still have the benefit of experience on our side. Add this to our Tartan Pride and I think we have one good run left in us yet. Okay...we may have to repent and dump a few extra pounds, but we have it in us to do so. We lost a couple more this past year, and it will only continue. My challenge to all of you reading this is to put that hike on your calendar for 2021. Do what it takes to make it happen, then spread the news to others. This is our year!

The Birthday List:

About a year ago, the group (having just got together for the first time since Moses), started texting each other on individual birthdays. As usual, I had other commitments and wasn't there. After everything that has happened this year, I must admit, it was nice to know they are still out there. Most of the time I would get these messages well after the fact, or while completely pre-occupied. I haven't seen most of them for years and wouldn't recognize them if I did, but they are still there - and they are my brothers. You guys are all awesome! I will always be grateful for ya'll.  And the sisters...I guess they'll have those special days too.  They just don't age, so they can't be birthdays. The compasses and was I blessed, or simply lucky?

A very short break

Late night in the snow at the fire, with the moon parting the trees and clouds.

This will be by far the biggest riding year for me personally.  There is a lot to do and some serious training to be had. The details will be trickling out just after the first part of the year - February-ish. I won't kid anyone, this is punching well above weight, and will need everything I can muster to pull it off. In the end, it is to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. I'm looking for supporters; not for me, but for the purpose "the Porpoise". Swing back around in a couple months. We'll put 2021 on the map!

Going out on a high note this year, and hitting the hill with some speed.  Hook on.  We're going after it!

Lets make 2021 what was taken from us this past year and then some! Time to shove back!

The Porpoise - 2020

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