Sunday, October 20, 2019

More Perspective

Last leaves on Mules Ear a couple weeks ago - 2019
It snowed again this morning, but this time I think I may stay for a while.  Still pretty early to be shutting down the trails, but it will make some of them a mess - if nothing else.  We'll give it a couple days.

This past week, or so, was a hard dose of reality.  The mountain bike needed some serious cleaning and service, so I decided to take it apart and clean/lube everything.  The problem with full suspension bikes is they require a ton of love.  A minor setback or two and I had it back and operable the next afternoon.  But then, life took over.  Always something to keep me from getting out the door before it gets too dark.  Yesterday was no different, as the storm hit a few hours before I got home from a morning funeral.

A funeral.........  The things you simply don't see coming, on all fronts.  That call came last Saturday morning.  It kind of put other more trivial things into a different perspective.  Thinking back of my own memories was of a little kid that I hadn't seen in years.  Perhaps a little goofy, as we all were at that age, but certainly many years ago.  Fast forward to yesterday to hear the life sketches of that "little kid".  He was anything but little, or goofy.  He lived life they way that we all do.  You know, taking it as it comes.  What became a few decades and change, was a seriously interesting profile, one that I didn't expect.  To see those that came to honor and remember him spoke volumes of the life lived.  All about devotion, dedication and soul honest friendship. I'm sure that is only the surface, but I suspect it ran deep as well.  Another lesson about taking nothing at what appears to be face value.

There is a lot to this life, isn't there?  .........I need a long and hard ride.

Here's to those that knew him as "Fish".  Awesome doesn't fit.  You guys simply kick a$$!

"Sweet Baby James" '71

Ride HARD!

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