Friday, September 6, 2019

Prep Day

A little better look at Ben Lomond from last nights MTB ride

 Picked up the packet last night and completed check-in.  Conditions look to be.........whatever they will be.  At this point its all about execution, discipline and luck.

Had a new chain put on the Six13 this afternoon.  Apparently I rode more and harder than I thought.  Swapped out one tire with another R3.  Swapped out the seat-wedge (tool bag) with the smaller one for the race.  Attached the frame number and a quick lube and minor check........ready to ride.

I won't bore you with the usual "night before" details.  You can go back and look at one of the last couple of years.  I'm very nervous as usual.  There is soooo much that can happen, and that much more that has to happen.  I know there are a handful of very fast, very good riders in my group.  I'm hoping I can find a group that fits my effort and stay with them.

I think I've over caffeinated the past couple of years.  This year I plan to simplify my nutrition and feeding.  I'll carry two Ensure Plus out of each feed zone, including the start. Two Gu's under my cuffs for emergency energy.  A couple bananas early.  Pineapple at Afton.  Cinnamon bears, fruit snacks and Cliff Blocks in my left pocket - all the time.  Hydration will be almost exclusively Power Ade, with maybe a mix of Cytomax and Tang.  Pickle juice at all three support stops, with an 8 oz Redbull in the pocket for Hoeback junction and maybe one out of Montpelier.  I'm figuring an average of 800 calories an hour, which is hard to replenish.

Overall, I'm excited, but more, I'm impressed with all the support that has rolled in, over the past few days.  I'm overwhelmed and somewhat worn down by everything.  It will be good to get past this one.  Thanks for showing up - again.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow morning for a little something to make you smile.  Please pass it along after you do.

It's okay to turn this one up to 11..............

Click here "KEEP THE FAITH!"

Keep it!

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