Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bring it on home

Last look at this sign for 2019 - at least on the bike......

Making it work

I had planned to ride Woodruff Tuesday, but was still pretty "gummed-up" after the hot weekend.  Modifications to the schedule did put me back on the dirt for some shorter "soaks" with higher intensity stuff.  Frankly, I have a hard time getting my heart rate up on long solo rides.  I either need to do sprint intervals, or just get on the dirt.  Yesterday morning was a pretty intense dirt ride, but also pretty relaxing - if you can have one with the other.  Nobody on the trails, and ieal conditions to put a good burn on the cardio.  After talking to my buddy down the road, it became clear - I needed one last hard ride over the top.

Last minute decision to go....

The ride out this morning was warmer than the last few week weeks.Stupid head-wind well past Red Cliff really made it difficult.  Still, good cloud cover nearly all the way over.  At the top, I still had one full water bottle and maybe a third of the other, so I didn't stop at the camp ground.  I lost about 3 minutes from my previous attempts, passing the camp ground, but was almost spot on at the snow-gate.  In town, I did manage to makeup about a minute overall, but could sense the winds already changing direction for the effort back.  Took a few extra minutes at the store to answer a few messages, but then got right back on the road.  Pretty much like last go around, dang wind right from the second I hit the road.  There were times in the canyon it blew so hard I had to go to the bailout gear.  As much as it hurt, I stayed on it until the camp ground - where I stopped for water.  I didn't have a full bottle, but I new I had a head-wind going down and would likely catch the heat - don't take any chances.  Sure enough, I fought the wind all the way back.  Using the DT Swiss wheel-set has been a tremendous advantage in the wind.  My RXL set with the bladed spokes simple gets blown around too much.  The brakes were literally wide open almost all the way down. I was so tired, I just wanted to put a fork in it.  The wind coming up South Fork was unbelievable.  I was having to go into the drops to duck out of the wind.  Even out of the canyon, it was a struggle.  The overall time wasn't to great, but it did instill some confidence. With just over a week to go, there will be no more of that nonsense.  Maybe a couple tempo rides on the road bike, but some short, fairly intense dirt rides.  May be a couple early morning spins downstairs before work.  Just maintenance at this point.
Looking out toward the Uinta Range, Just before hitting it hard going home.


I love Monte and the times I get to visit with the people in Woodruff.  This year was a little short on the number of visits, as well as the time chatting, but it is a place like no other for me.  It's always a little melancholy when I know it is the last ride over there for the year.  We typically come home from the race going that way, but it seems so different just driving through on a quiet Sunday afternoon.  Thanks to the truly awesome people in Woodruff.  I can't say enough, nor be I'll leave it at that.

More to come this week

Should be posting most every day for the next week.  We've gotta fire up the donation machine - before it's too late.

Thanks Kerry

So, I texted my buddy, who is truly an inspiration.  I told him it was either shame, or inspiration that pushed me over that mountain today ( thanks for keeping my head screwed on straight).  I don't know, but maybe I just wanted to make this post with the link that I can never use other wise.

Bring it on Home - Click it  You only get to use this when you finish the year doing it right.

Ride HARD!

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