Saturday, August 31, 2019

The right ride.........

......for the right day

There are times you just seem to have the rigfht ride for the right day.  And boy, does it matter.  There are so many things that have to align - and this year, I've seemed to have had my fair share of them.

Still the greatest ride ever

The 1989 Tour de France final time trial was exactly that.  Greg LeMond (a freaking stud!) had been off the tour for two years from a hunting accident, following his incredible and improbable win in '86.  At this final stage, he is literally only 50 seconds behind the leader, after 21 days and a couple thousand miles of racing.  Most people still don't know that he has something like 35 - 40 lead pellets still in his body - in very dangerous places.  With that setup, watch this video of that final race. 

I don't care what anyone says.  He was "bread and water" (clean) and still an inspiration.

Click Here for the most amazing thing in cycling

Kind of gives "Ride HARD" a different meaning.......

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bring it on home

Last look at this sign for 2019 - at least on the bike......

Making it work

I had planned to ride Woodruff Tuesday, but was still pretty "gummed-up" after the hot weekend.  Modifications to the schedule did put me back on the dirt for some shorter "soaks" with higher intensity stuff.  Frankly, I have a hard time getting my heart rate up on long solo rides.  I either need to do sprint intervals, or just get on the dirt.  Yesterday morning was a pretty intense dirt ride, but also pretty relaxing - if you can have one with the other.  Nobody on the trails, and ieal conditions to put a good burn on the cardio.  After talking to my buddy down the road, it became clear - I needed one last hard ride over the top.

Last minute decision to go....

The ride out this morning was warmer than the last few week weeks.Stupid head-wind well past Red Cliff really made it difficult.  Still, good cloud cover nearly all the way over.  At the top, I still had one full water bottle and maybe a third of the other, so I didn't stop at the camp ground.  I lost about 3 minutes from my previous attempts, passing the camp ground, but was almost spot on at the snow-gate.  In town, I did manage to makeup about a minute overall, but could sense the winds already changing direction for the effort back.  Took a few extra minutes at the store to answer a few messages, but then got right back on the road.  Pretty much like last go around, dang wind right from the second I hit the road.  There were times in the canyon it blew so hard I had to go to the bailout gear.  As much as it hurt, I stayed on it until the camp ground - where I stopped for water.  I didn't have a full bottle, but I new I had a head-wind going down and would likely catch the heat - don't take any chances.  Sure enough, I fought the wind all the way back.  Using the DT Swiss wheel-set has been a tremendous advantage in the wind.  My RXL set with the bladed spokes simple gets blown around too much.  The brakes were literally wide open almost all the way down. I was so tired, I just wanted to put a fork in it.  The wind coming up South Fork was unbelievable.  I was having to go into the drops to duck out of the wind.  Even out of the canyon, it was a struggle.  The overall time wasn't to great, but it did instill some confidence. With just over a week to go, there will be no more of that nonsense.  Maybe a couple tempo rides on the road bike, but some short, fairly intense dirt rides.  May be a couple early morning spins downstairs before work.  Just maintenance at this point.
Looking out toward the Uinta Range, Just before hitting it hard going home.


I love Monte and the times I get to visit with the people in Woodruff.  This year was a little short on the number of visits, as well as the time chatting, but it is a place like no other for me.  It's always a little melancholy when I know it is the last ride over there for the year.  We typically come home from the race going that way, but it seems so different just driving through on a quiet Sunday afternoon.  Thanks to the truly awesome people in Woodruff.  I can't say enough, nor be I'll leave it at that.

More to come this week

Should be posting most every day for the next week.  We've gotta fire up the donation machine - before it's too late.

Thanks Kerry

So, I texted my buddy, who is truly an inspiration.  I told him it was either shame, or inspiration that pushed me over that mountain today ( thanks for keeping my head screwed on straight).  I don't know, but maybe I just wanted to make this post with the link that I can never use other wise.

Bring it on Home - Click it  You only get to use this when you finish the year doing it right.

Ride HARD!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Getting close........

Cemetery Point - Pine View Reservoir

A big week

A big week it was.  After the ride to Woodruff on Monday, I was looking at some serious heat on Wednesday, so I decided to do some early morning road intervals instead.  A decent 50 miles before work, using the Garmin to record results.  A couple mountain bike rides for good measure and I was ready for what should have been an assessment ride on Saturday.  Turns out, Saturday was a pretty good training ride.

Cache Valley Century

The Cache Century is a charity ride, to help people with disabilities enjoy the out of doors.  At the check-in this go around, I was greeted by one of my many nieces.  Shouldn't surprise me, as her family has a particular interest in this type of event.  Still, I was very apprehensive getting ready to go.  I had set my sights on a specific time, and the need to ride most of the day with fast groups.  The course had changed quite a bit this year, as one town refused to let the event pass through.  I should have paid closer attention, as it would prove to be somewhat costly in the end.  Groups going out early weren't too fast, but still a comfortable pace.  Getting out toward Preston, Idaho, we had maybe 30 people, pulling two abreast at times.  Most everybody stopped at Preston, while I just looked for the next group to leave.  Looking at the elevation chart below, you can see where we dropped into the river bottoms just before Dayton hill.  As expected, I let the main body gap me just before the turn off of the hill.  That was followed by another smaller hill that allowed them to spread a gap on me.  Over the top, I slid into the drop-bars and pushed it hard for about five miles trying to catch the group.  Little did I know there was about a dozen riders on my wheel enjoying the fast pace.  I flew through the next rest stop and headed for a little climb just before Newton.  As expected (again), I let the main group go, thinking they would "water" at Newton Park (only a couple minutes away). When I pulled in, there was another group already down the road, but for some reason, I decided to swing back toward Newton Dam.  Looking at the elevations below, that is the "hump" at the 50 mile area.  Turns out, I didn't need to go that way and had just over five miles and some good grinding before I turned back at Trenton Hill.  I gassed it back to the park and caught another group going out.  Jumping between groups, I made it to Mendon - on just a bit more than one bottle of water.  Overall time wasn't too bad, but had spent more time than planned on my own. Quickly back on the road, I was either too fast for a couple groups, or too tired to hang on to others.  I stayed with a train for a few miles, until we got to Cache Junction.  Coming off the bridge, I had let them go and was on my own for the next five miles, climbing to Clarkston.  By then, I was feeling the effects of lactic acid buildup.  The quads would fire and I was spent.  I took a couple minutes at Clarkston and considered taking a direct path back to Richmond, that would still give me 100 miles.  It would have put me close to my target, but I elected to go around.  One final mistake was going straight to Lewiston, instead of cutting back to the south.  This meant I would be completely alone, not that it mattered at that point.  Once onto Highway 91, I was facing a hot and stiff headwind.  Five of the longest miles I could imagine.  A ton of exposure and no help - a bad idea, but I made it in.  Only riding with groups about 35% of the time.  That can't happen at LOTOJA.

When all was said and done, I had just over 110 miles, with my average heart rate at 82%.  Total time was 6h-40m, with a bike time of just under 6h 14m.  The last 10 miles set the overall rolling time back a bit.  Still, not a bad day.  Just not what I had planned.

A minor irony, as my rider number in this event was remarkably similar to my assigned LOTOJA frame and bib number.  Huh.......

A lot to do this week, and the nerves are getting the better of me - again.

Stick around.......

Click here - Takin' care of business

Ride HARD!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Back over the top

SR 39 West Bound, MP 43 "Little Monte" looking toward Mt. Timpanogas
Another cool start, but not nearly as cold as last week  Still, the toes were cold for a long time.  I "reeled-in"  another rider just out of Huntsville.  I took the pull up to the first roller, about 5 miles up.  I wasn't ready to stay on his wheel so I let him go, only to catch him about a mile up farther.  We took turns out front until he peeled-off for Causey.  Thanks Spencer! You are a stud!

Time to the top was pretty good, much better than last week.  I made some adjustments to the saddle and post to get a better angle for climbing before leaving this morning.  Don't ask me why, but I seriously dream bout that sort of "thing".  It seemed to work quite well, but I need to make an adjustment to my cleats.  One thing at a time.  The overall time into Woodruff was about what I had hoped.  Dang wind was wreaking havoc most of the way into town.  Another quick turn, and it was immediately back into the wind.  Stupid wind fought me all the way back.  I serious struggled to get to the top.  Add to that, I decided to take only two water bottles.  Yup, bone dry by the time I got back to the camp ground.  The ride off the top was hard all the way down.  The wind was right in the snout all the way.  Last week I was pegging near 50 MPH through Ant Flat Road, today 35 MPH while peddling.  The last nutrition was a Gu and some fruit-snacks about an hour from the top.  No surprise, I bonked and HARD, at the top - again.  By the time I got home, I was physically sick and had to lay down for about an hour.  I lost nearly six pounds since this morning - not good. (Not that I don't need to lose the mass).

I need to evaluate Wednesday closely.  The Cache Valley Ride on Saturday is a critical metric.  I have a specific time to meet, to determine my overall condition for the race.  I still need the endurance, but can't risk a good showing on Saturday.  What to do................

As bad as the return was, the drop into Rich County was still pretty good.  I cleared the distance from the Camp Ground (MP 47.5)to the Snow gate (MP 55.5) in twelve minutes.  Talk about serious business! The overall to MP67 (Woodruff) was just under 41 minutes - fighting the wind.  Something about riding fast, with nobody around.............  53+ MPH with the chin on the bars.

You know fast - Click here!

Don't PUKE!
Ride HARD!  Holly crap..........

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Lot of STUFF............

An early evening view from the Mule's Ear overlook

Changing the Method

After the cooking I took going to Woodruff last Tuesday, I decided to modify the schedule - a lot.  Everything was mountain biking, with an emphasis on intensity.  More than that, an emphasis on mental conditioning.  A hard push up some single track every night, with a double on Friday morning, followed by another loop that night, made for some pretty good rides.  Doing some fast spinning intervals Saturday morning wasn't enough to cap the week, so I did a fast loop in the evening.  That was by far the best I've climbed that trail all year, if not for several years.  Talk about a confidence boost.  It was really needed.  With only 14 hours this past week, I'll give it a solid "B" for overall performance and benefit. 

Big Week

The Schedule

This upcoming week is very critical - on several fronts.  Planning two trips over the top (Woodruff), with the Cache Valley Century on Saturday.  Likely an evening mountain bike ride in the middle somewhere, with little time for recovery.  Saturday's ride will be the real indicator of where I'm at for Lotoja.  That will be something like 300+ road miles, some dirt in roughly 22 hours - at moderate to high intensity.  Everything depends on this week and how I feel in seven days.  Looking at two more trips to Woodruff the following week with a couple hard mountain bike rides in the mix - not really tapering.  That will put us out only one week from the big day.


I've spent literally all of my fundraising effort this year toward the "Club", or team kit.  I'm directing all corporate donations toward the team effort, thus I have no personal donations.  Everything we get for the team this year will land on the kit for next year - kind of an endowment thing.  It will be the vehicle that carries the effort forward - ongoing.  I'll make a bunch of contacts this week to get the personal stuff covered - always in the back of my mind.

The Mountains...........

I love to ride in the mountains.  Thus, the ride over Monte on the road bike and all the stuff in the dirt.  There is simply something that can't be described about being in the mountains.  As intimidating as it may be at times, it is truly liberating.  I prefer to keep my wheels under me, with the front of the bike going the direction of travel.  Take a look at the link below - a little extreme, but it clearly illustrates the point.  Watch closely as he switches bikes.  That is when rider and bike are one.  No substitute for time on the bike.

Never was a big fan of "The Buffalo Springfield", but it seems to work here.

You've gotta see this - Click here

Ride HARD!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


SR 39, west of MP 54, still have that mountain to climb 5 miles away.
If you've been following this blog for more than a year, you know what Woodruff means.  Roughly 6,500 feet of climbing for the day, with a fair amount of time above 7,000 altitude.  This is arguably the most effective training there is for Lotoja - anywhere.  It is also very risky, as you are long distances without cell coverage, between water sources and a lot of exposure.  Add to this the regular windy return and it can cause problems.

Today's ride started cold - as in 44 degrees cold.  I was told it was 37 in Woodruff this morning.  The ride over the front side wasn't too bad, but my toes were cold until about 10 miles from the top.  A head wind into town made it harder than it needed to be, but if I could make a quick turn around, I'd have a tail wind.  I did have a mild tail wind for about the first 5 miles out of town, heading back.  By the time I got to the canyon, it was straight into the nose.  Wind all the way over the top really got into my head.  Getting over the top to Little Monte seemed to take forever - I was gassed.  From about MP 44, I let the brakes fly wide open.  Even past Ant-Flat road, I let the bike fly - directly into the wind.  Normally I'd have issues managing the cross winds with my RXL wheelset, but today I ran with the DT Swiss.  Perfect for today's conditions.  At about Redcliff, the wind turned into a blast-furnace.  The rest of the way into Huntsville was a serious struggle.  By the time I got home, I realized I had been cooked by exposure - again.  At least this time I could make it back.  You'd think I'd learn my lesson.

I've gotta do that ride a handful of times yet, before the race.  I have my work cut out for me.

Woodruff is a great place.  The sign at the edge of town says something like "Coldest Places - Warmest Hearts".  That about sums it up.  The people there are truly great.  I love riding to Woodruff, if only for the quick turn around at the other end.  The people there have always been supportive and friendly.  I enjoy getting to talk with them, albeit for only a few minutes.  Still, it seems everyone that I encounter up there goes out of their way to make me feel welcome in their community.  I don't know that I can say that about anywhere else.  Make it a point to stop and visit this little town.  I ride my guts out to get there.......

I wish you could understand how it feels............  Never was much of a Tom Petty fan, but this one seems to fit.
Click Here - "You don't know how it feels"... to be me

Ride HARD!

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Elements of training

The season is getting late and there is a lot of ground to cover.  It's not just a matter stacking miles.  I mean, sure, you need miles, but there's more to it.  Physical endurance is a large part, but not entirely the only thing.  You need physical strength and endurance as well as mental strength and endurance.  You can't show up on race day with all physical prep, the mental has to be prepped as well.  It is a long day. Without a strong mind, will and the ability to push pain and fatigue out of your mind, you will have problems.

I recently watched a video with Tyler Hamilton speaking at Oxford about his doping ordeal.  I'm not, nor have I ever been a Lance fan, but I've kind of been a little easier on Hamilton.  I think he was a good guy caught in the mix of bad people and an impossible position.  He said he had an exceptional pain threshold - the key to riding hard in competitive events.  As he put it, "Hamiltons are tough".  I believe that toughness can be a genetic trait, but I also believe it to be something that has to be developed and improved.  Your body is an amazing machine.  Our minds, however, tend to override our body's ability to endure.  I've heard it said that Navy Seals teach that we are kind of programmed to give up at at less than 40% of our full ability.  I believe it, not sure about the 40%, but I know it is low.  The point is, you need to learn how to push past the limits and drive forward.

Given my limited schedule for riding, I often like to take my mountain bike out for a good push.  It's generally less than an hour, but you can see by the graphic above, it's not an easy ride.  The way I figure it, if I can teach my body to accept pain for an hour at a time, I can extended that on longer rides.  I'm still having trouble getting my heart rate into the low 170's, but still pushing.  I've got to start pushing for four hours at mid to high aerobic conditions.  You can't afford to go into an anaerobic condition for more than only about 10% of the overall ride.  At the same time, if you let off, you loose a ton of momentum that simply can't be recovered.  Listening to your body is tricky, as you can't let off, but also can't afford to get "gassed".  Recognizing spinning recoveries aside from rolling recoveries. - yes there is a big difference.  Rolling recoveries can be costly, as your heart rate can drop too low.  Add to this proper fueling, you can bonk without knowing it.  By the time you sense something is wrong, it is too late.  Man, there is a lot to do and a lot to get in order.

Starting to work on the bike a little at a time.  Re-wrapped the bars yesterday with good quality Cinelli cork.  Waiting for a new seat post and should have that before my next long ride.  I need to start going through wheel sets and drive train.  I also need to tweak the shoes and cleats'

A lot to do..................  Stick around.

Ah - "The Mess". Click here

Ride HARD!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

A month to go............

Measuring Progress

Really long miles have been sparce this year.  My go-to has always been Monte Cristo, if not all the way to Woodruff.  At the top of Monte, I have to commit to the extra 20 miles down to Woodruff and the inevitable climb back.  It is a decision that has serious consequences. Last year I went into Woodruff something like ten times.  Twice where near disasters.  The very first time was very hot and windy.  I got caught halfway back down South Fork Canyon and bonked - HARD! With no cell service for a couple more miles, that was a serious dilema.  One other time, I got caught in a horrendous thunderstorm and had nowhere to go.  Another serious - way serious situation.  Today was my first time past Causey, going up SR39.  Altitude becomes a factor before you know it. All the way past Causey was windy - as in head-wind.  Usually this isn't the case.  This morning was overcast and threatening from the get go, with wind in my face along way up.  I could occasionally feel rain blowing in from two time-zones away, but was still determined to get over the top. About ten miles from the top, I was starting to feel serious fatigue.  Given predictable conditions, I'd still push into Woodruff. Today was too sketchy.  Windy all the way back into Huntsville, but not hot.  I stacked a few miles on for good measure, but was gassed by the time I headed for home.  I fought a head wind for the last nine miles. Needless to say, I was spent when I got home.  Enough for one day.

I've had problems with the bike this year.  A broken saddle-rail and post have made things a bummer.  I rode this morning with a setback post and Selle Itallia saddle.  I also changed from the normal hard cleats to a 6 degree float cleat.  That's a lot of changes for a full day long ride - or six hours, whatever it was.  I also swapped out the wheel-set for the DT Swiss, with the R3 tires.  A good move for the wind.  I'll need to get the bike back to my normal spec before I head over the top.  I'd like to do that sooner rather than later.

Fundraising is another issue.  The "team" is getting a little traction, which is encouraging, but I need to get personal donations lined up as well.  More on that later..............

I did get signed-up for the Cache Valley Century, a couple weeks out.  I have a lot to do between now and then.  For that matter, I have a ton to do between now and race day.

It all seemed like a good idea at the time............

It's gonna get busy.

Click here for a little motivation - worth the 10 minutes

Ride HARD!

Friday, August 2, 2019


A morning ride to Snow Basin - Go'in Home


This has been a year of short......everything.  Road miles are not stacking up, but they are all "quality" miles for the most part.  Morning climbs to Snow Basin should be significantly faster, but my climbing is less than par.  This is a ride I should be doing, with a dip into Mountain Green, fast enough to still get to the office later in the morning (58 miles of climbing).  I really need to hit Monte Cristo and make the trip into Woodruff.  Those are big miles and a ton of commitment.  Gotta do it, and soon

Riding Racks

I think the shortest road ride for the season is 41 miles, but still only one century - so far.  I've been trying variations of interval rides, with road sprints, mountain climbs and even some combination intervals. Back "in the day" (about 40 years ago), I'd walk over to the high school and kick footballs until I couldn't take it anymore.  Most nights I'd run stadium bleachers, or what I'd call "racks".  One rack was once across a set of seats and stairs, from south to north.  First rack was seat sprints, with five climbs being a rack.  The next two racks were left foot and then right foot seat hops, followed by two-foot hops.  Then a rack of left diagonals, followed by right diagonals. Being at the opposite end from where I started, it would be full out seat sprints back.  Basically six-by-five with variations.  Those stairs are long gone, not that I could do that anymore.  Rather, I do a bike variation, riding a 200 foot climb over one-half mile (an average of 7.5%, with a peak of about 13%).  Using an interval timer, I'll "sprint" for 20 seconds, maintain a normal cadence for 40 seconds and repeat.  I can generally get five intervals per climb, and will do it six times (six racks).  Still, my legs aren't strong enough to push my heart rate above the low 160's.  Last night I did 10 hill climbs on my mountain bike, then headed up to Mules Ear to finish off.  I started too late, and had to head back as it was getting too dark to see the trail. At that, I still couldn't get my heart rate up to an anaerobic condition.  I've gotta try something else, but I also need to start stacking (long miles).

Time to move along

I think it's time to pull the plug on the Jersey idea fro this year.  The late start has pretty much everyone saying the same thing; "all corporate donations where committed several months ago".  I still think this is the way to go, but just not with the time we were left with this year.  Time to start focusing on necessities.  With all the side job commitments I've had this year, it wasn't the best idea to try so much, with no time to spare.

I'd like to get get out on some dirt tomorrow, but again........commitments.

Almost fitting - "Wheels" ugh! click here