Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Still hanging around????

Doing what needs to be done................'s been a while.  I've finally been out on the road, but equally, if not more still on the dirt.
I mean, with vistas like this, why wouldn't I ride the dirt?  Oh, that's right, I need some long rides in the saddle.  Not to worry.

Just getting ready to head back over Trappers Loop, for some climbing this morning.  I've hit that a couple times this season already, but wasn't impressed with the times - even with it being early in the season.
I wasn't able to ride Trappers at all last season due to ongoing construction, so there was (still is) a little trepidation.  The new asphalt is kind of squirrely on the descent, which makes me nervous, but I'm still getting used to the the fast feel of the road.

This past Saturday I reluctantly signed up for the MS150 - literally at the last minute.  A ride I used to enjoy, but steered clear of last season due to the "sketchiness" of some of the riders.  I needed the road miles, especially a longer day in the saddle, so....why not?  It was darn cold at the start, like 39°, so full-finger gloves, jacket and toe-warmers for the first 40 miles.  Stopping at Lewiston, Utah for a quick lunch, I met up with a former, fellow employee.  I rode with him earlier going up to Dayton, Idaho, but voluntarily dropped off the group, as I wasn't confident enough to ride too hard that early.  After the Lewiston stop, we stuck together for the remainder of the day.  I seldom get to ride with anyone else, so having someone to talk to, as well as work on my "wheel chasing" without any stress made for a great day.  Exactly the right ride for the right time.

It's no secret my attitude has been suffering this season, but this ride was really a good idea.  Riding with "Mr. Blue Sky", literally made the difference - all the difference.  Thanks Dan!  You're a life saver.

Big announcement in the next couple of days - it will be great!

Here's to you Mr. Blue Sky - Click here.

Ride HARD!

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