Sunday, January 20, 2019

Initial Post 2019

What's ahead?

A lot of changes this year.  Most of them won't be noticeable on the outside, but they'll be there.  2018 was nothing close to the banner year we needed for HHH as a whole.  As such, we need to make a few change and put the program "on the map".  The "Porpoise" on the other hand, well...…..we got some pretty good traction.  We'll build directly from our efforts last year.

The season will start a little earlier than last year, if I can stay healthy - no crashes!  True Grit is less than two months out and I haven't been on anything outside of a spin-bike or trainer for more than a month.  A lot to do between now an then, but I'll figure it out.

I still have a couple crazy ideas for this year, but I need to look at things in depth to make any decisions.  Assess and plan, we'll figure out how to execute form there.


So......the push at the end of last season provided considerable traffic.  Up until last week we were still getting regular looks.  Whatever it was that brought you here, stick around and tell others.  The "Porpoise" community is building steam.  We're all in this together - in some way or another.

It's gonna be a great year!

Ride HARD!

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