Sunday, October 28, 2018

Oh, Oh, Oh,..............Canada!

Back to the front..................

Seems whenever there is a crap-storm, I find myself right up front.  Another last minute booking back to Canada.  I can't be the smartest guy in the company, or we're all in trouble.  Dealing with equipment from Europe, in a building designed by Europeans, make s for a challenge.  400-volt commie-motors running on 575 volt, drives that were spec'd is truly overrated (sarcasm).  The Canadians I get to work with are great and make it tolerable.  These guys are pretty good at what they do and are darn good guys to boot.  Getting a little later flight got me up there just in time to enjoy the parking lot that is otherwise referred to as I-75.  By the time I got across the border and up to the facility it was nearly 19:00.  I didn't get out of there until sometime after 01:00 the next morning.  It was like that all week.  Saturday morning I had to leave Windsor around 05:00 to be to a planned power outage in Auburn Hills, Michigan.  After a long day at Auburn Hills, it left only enough time to head back to the airport - and sit in more traffic.  I kid you not, 60+ hours in four days - as an exempt employee.  What a bunch of crap!

Since my last trip ten days before, Canada legalized cannabis.   Thus the brown cloud hovering over the University, just off the Ambassador Bridge.  It's kind of like Boulder, Colorado on the Detroit River.  There was an automated highway sign up on the 401 with a Weed plant and red circle and line through it saying "don't drive high".  Huh, I guess we're not in Kansas anymore Toto.  

So what does this have to do with riding?  NOTHING, as in no riding for me.  I'd hoped to get out this afternoon for a quick trail ride, but I'm just hammered from the past couple of weeks.  The more I don't ride, the worse it gets.  I need to start building a maintenance program in the mornings.  I've already lost too much ground and can feel it.  You lose it faster than you can get it back - at my age anyway.  The registration for True Grit is November 10 and I really want to be in that race.  It isn't until March, but that isn't much time to train if I have to get it all back.  I also got a notice from Leadville, for a lottery registration in December.  I'd love to ride Leadville, but that would seriously take 9 full months of dedicated training - which would be hard with my current work schedule.  Along with this, I need to coordinate some Huntsman stuff, with the Company and Club.  Life used to be so simple.

On that note, today is October 28th.  Forty years ago, it was just another Autumn Saturday afternoon.  I wouldn't come to realize how significant that particular day was for a few years later, but it changed everything.  Man, things were so simple back then.  I should have been paying attention.

Dirt ride tomorrow afternoon -if I can get away from the office.

Ride HARD!

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