Monday, August 20, 2018


When in doubt, head back to the dirt..............

Way too smokey to ride this morning.  A little front blew through this afternoon clearing most of the garbage out of the air - for now.  It's too close to race day to take chances on jack'in the lungs with crap in the air. Knowing what I was likely going to have today, I did two sessions of hard sprint intervals on the Airdyne yesterday and last night.  Only able to get my heart rate into the low 160's, I wasn't satisfied.  Getting home a little later tonight, I decided to get on the mountain bike and do a quick cardio burn - or try anyway.

I've not been on the dirt bike for quite a while, so I thought it may be a bit tight.  Two months ago I was just a shade over one hour, with a peak heart rate of 174.  A month ago, I was just a shade under one hour with a peak heart rate of 165.  Tonight I was just a stitch over 54 minutes, but only had a peak heart rate of 150 (that sucks!).  I stayed in the fast gears for the first two groups of switch-backs but found the easy gears up top.  Near the last hairpin turn, I picked the wrong line and spun out on some shale.  Other than that, it was a constant drive to the top, just not working as hard as I had thought.

Looking at the Garmin data, it appears my heart recovery is pretty good.  I think I need to mash this thing and break 48 minutes before the race.  Until then, I need to double up on cardio on off days, with enough time for long day prep and recovery.  I think I could shave seven minutes off, with more than five minutes off the front end.

With the Cache Century on Saturday, I need to keep my legs fresh for some fast riding.  I'd like to do that in five hours, which is a clip by any standard.  If I can't get Woodruff on Wednesday, I may have to settle for something a little less dramatic on Thursday.  It has more to do with the weather than anything at this point.

So........quick rides like tonight generally come with a little fast tempo.

Ride HARD!

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