Thursday, August 2, 2018

A long way to go

Finding the way back......inspiration!

It's been a banner week.  Support for the "porpoise" is getting some great traction.  This couldn't have come along at a better time.  Everything seems somehow connected and can either make or break the overall effort.  State of mind is the single largest factor and having support - it's all the difference in the world.

I got back in town from a quick, action-packed visit to see my friends in Michigan.  Those guys are the greatest and I really enjoy working with them.  Taking time out of my schedule this time of any year is painful, but these guys are pretty good about allowing me to be flexible and work straight through.  Straight off the airplane and back to the office, so no riding until Wednesday morning.

I made a few changes to the wheelset, with a new rear cassette and different tires,  These tires are a tad wider, with a lower running pressure. They are also siped for crappy conditions.  A little heavy, but good for training.  Construction over on 162 (chip-seal) pushed me onto the pedestrian path, with all the garbage that makes it a bad place to ride.  The ride out was a series of intervals, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off.  The overall pace was pretty good out to the midway point.  The ride back was more constant and deliberate.  About 3 miles from home my front tire flatted.  I'm sure it was a slow pinch flat from garbage on the pedestrian path.  It wasn't the best of rides, but it fulfilled the purpose.

This morning was obviously not going to be productive, so I deferred and did a solid dirt ride tonight.  Quite a few people on the trail, but still able to get a good burn for about an hour-twenty.  Overall leg strength is not bad, considering some of the problems.  Endurance is a serious problem and will take some specific rides to get over that problem.  Fifty miles out and back only go for three hours.  I need to make a couple solid rides back to monte, but cut it down to five hours and change.  And then there is Woodruff........................

We'll see what conditions are like in the morning.  Every day has to count and there is no room for do-overs at this point.

Check out the donors on the HHH Tab

These guys have really given me the inspiration I needed to get my head screwed on straight.  This is what the "porpoise" is really all about.

Ride HARD!

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