Thursday, August 9, 2018

A break through................

Woodruff 2.0 - A far better product................

Back for more.  Actually, I needed to work out several issues after the last adventure to Woodruff.  It's kind of hard to appreciate until you've experienced it for yourself, but this is a tough ride - every time.  From home, the total climb to the Woodruff store is 4,260', with a peak elevation of 9,030'.  To simply get back to Huntsville, the climb is 2,800'.  So for today, call it 7,060' with 112 miles.

I had to get back to basics, running my noisy RXL wheels, and focusing on nutrition all the way over and back.  Out the door around 06:35, I was able to stay cool up 'till about MP 32.  Still, I stayed in my big ring (up front) all the way to Ant Flat road (MP 36).  Key times most of the way were not too bad.  Up on top ( about a mile before the campground), my back tire went flat.  With still three CO2 shots and one extra tube, I decided to push over the hill into "the other side".  Not sure what kind of tire pressure I had under me, I wasn't confident enough to let the bike go.  As a result, the ride into Woodruff took way too long.  Once there, circumstances required a fast turn around.  The real test was pushing through the heat, up over the top, without stopping or going into the bailout gear.  Not really the fasted time back to the top, but darn close - especially with the heat.  The key was certainly nutrition and ride management.  It paid off today.

About four miles from the top (while heading back), I completely unzipped the jersey to take advantage of a little convection.  The danger of leaving the jersey partially zipped in areas like this is the real (and frequent) bee flying in and not getting out without stinging.  Over the top, I had enough water to keep going, so I started down still doing the full "Batman" (full unzipped).  About six miles down, while doing about 40 MPH, something flew under my collar and stung me on my neck.  So much for a great idea.  A quick stop to zip it to the neck and back to business.  Down around the South Fork Camp Ground, the heat really intensified.  At this point, I still had enough gas to get home, but with the heat and wind, it would be too costly.  Electing to end on a good note, I called for a bailout at Huntsville Park.  A solid effort, for the cost of about 4,500 calories.  I'll take it.

The wheelset is an issue, but I think I have a solution to finish the season - not cheap.  I need to do some work on the bike as well.  Shifting is a little sticky and the bike is very dirty.  I need to track down some 25mm R3's for the race.  I'm not racing on 23's this year.

I need to book this ride again, maybe four more times before Labor Day.  I'm not sure how I'll make this happen.

Ride HARD!

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