Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Slow Going

Still, no road miles......

A combination of weather, road traffic, and schedule have made it hard to get back on the road bike. Mixing it up on the mountain bike is making for some pretty good cardio, with a little leg strength, but I need to get used to the road saddle.  Normally by this time of an average year, I can manage a 42-mile loop without having to stop.  Endurance is one thing, but there is always a little "learning curve" when overcoming posture fatigue.  It'll come.

The training schedule will definitely be different this year as Trappers Loop will be under construction all summer.  This will mean limited rides to East Canyon and Morgan, but worst of all, my regular late season rides to Snow Basin will likely get cut back.  Generally, by about August, I can do a quick 50-something mile with a few thousand feet of climbing - all before going to work.  I'll figure something out.

Speaking of work, that place is really starting to get to me.  After a long day at the office today, I really couldn't muster the interest in another dirt ride.  After all, I seem to be losing ground.  It was too windy with a chance of rain, to consider a road ride.  After having my tail kicked at the office today (again), I decided I needed a little break.  Being ups since 03:00 didn't help much either.  A good hour on the spin bike was suitable for the occasion.  I did a little routine this morning as well, but nothing too hard.  Tonight was basically speed intervals.  I've been asked what I listen to when riding the spin bike.  It all depends; if you need a way fast cadence - MotorHead.  If you need a super fast cadence - throw in a little "Girl School" with MotorHead.  Truth is, I can only take so much MotorHead (sorry Lemmy).  Generally, I just leave it on shuffle and take what comes along.  Spinning is spinning.

Way back, I used to spend my evenings over at the football field, kicking a bag of footballs.  I'd then do a pretty intense stair workout.  By the time I'd walk home, it would be dark.  I'd be so worked up from the intense stair workout, I often couldn't sleep for hours.  Back in the day when FM radio was the "thing" I'd catch a station that didn't have any commercials and would play the deepest tracks. There for hours, or so it seems, listening to the very low volume, crystal clear signal, that seemed to be from somewhere far away.  You could listen for weeks on end and never hear the same thing twice.  Funny; as complicated as things seemed to be at that time, they were truly simple times.  There is this one number by Peter Green (before he lost it) that was almost haunting.  Funny thing, it was never cut in multi-track, which made it even more mysterious - in a way.

 Ride HARD!

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