Tuesday, September 5, 2017


More adjustments.........

A major wildfire on the other side of the mountain has filled The Valley (notice the caps) with considerable smoke.  There is enough smoke and particulate that its burning my throat.  With all the illness going around at the moment, I'm doing my best to stay healthy as it is.  The last thing I want to do is put on some easy miles and develop a respiratory issue.  So........spin city!

My spin bike is nothing too fancy, but its a workhorse.  It's a commercial Star Track V-bike, chain drive with some modifications. Normally I use the spin bike as a nice supplement to my rides, but at times like this, it is nice to have a good setup.  Tonight I setup for some heat-training, and did a series of fixed speed, step intervals, mixed with 10/20 sprint intervals.  Not a bad workout for 90+ minutes, but it is really setup to provide maintenance.  At this point, I'm not going to add anything, but I still can cause an injury.

There is no sign of the smoke clearing out anytime soon, so I may be done in the-out-of-doors until the race Saturday morning.  I'd really like to get the bike out for an easy 32 mile loop to make sure we've got the bugs worked out, but even if still sounds funny - it's too late to worry about it.

Ride Hard!

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