Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Back on a bike after more than a week

Mountain Biking

So..........after getting home from the race, I had a million things to accomplish before leaving on a stressful business trip.  The trip was scheduled to run over the weekend, with about two weeks of work in four days.  Needless to say, it lived up to the billing.  Getting back late to the hotel made it hard (not impossible) to go for a quick run in the fitness room.  I really wanted to get on my mountain bike Sunday afternoon, then Monday night, but neither happened.  After some pretty good rain today, I did manage to get out with just enough time to beat the darkness.

Again, up to the old reliable; Mules Ear, on the mountain bike (X2).  I really didn't feel the need to hit it hard, but rather sat back and enjoyed the ride.  Into the single track, it seemed to just kind of flow.  By the time I got into the lower switchbacks, it was feeling pretty easy - little if any strain.  At the upper switchbacks, I was still out of my bailout gear and moving at a pretty solid rate.  Out around the face and I was confident I would make it over the top without stalling - provided I could get over the last two rock ledges.  Before I knew it, I was over the top and around to the east overlook.  Needless to say, the balance and leg strength felt better than expected going up.  The little routines I've been doing to fill the gaps since the race seem to be holding things together pretty well.

The descent was a little too dark.  Add to that, it was pretty cold and the fingers gripping the brake levers were numb.  It's been a little too long and my balance and confidence weren't what they need to be getting down.  I need a little more time on the mountain bike before I try to ride my last big dirt ride for the season - in maybe a week or two.

Overall, it was nice to feel the bite of the Autumn air, see my breathe in the air and have the mountain to myself.  This is truly the pay-off for the entire summer of training.  I just hope the season holds out long enough to to enjoy it more.

Ride Hard!

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